3am thoughts

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Trying to put into words how much of an effect

your presence had on my world

and how empty my world seems without you.

You were my north star,  you always guided me

and with your guidance

I always felt safe,

now I cant find my way

and there is nothing to say,

to fill the void you left

the day you left this world behind.

Sometimes at night when sleep refuses to come

the tapestry of our lives undone, I close my eyes and to try to bring your voice

to the forefront of my mind,

imagining what you would say right now.

what words of support you would give to help me stand tall again....

Falling every day,

like a ghost you faded away,

and everything seems so wrong,

like a movie script

that I don't feel a part of

and like a movie it doesn't feel real,

because how can you be gone

when you had everything to live for.

so many things you will never get to see

and experience,

my daughters growing into young women,

my son walking down the aisle,

the empty space at the top of the church for you to be a proud grandad vacant.

So many places you wanted to visit when you were well again

so many plans you had for when this madness we are living in finally ends,

my heart breaks for you,

and wishes I could give you back the time that should have been yours,

and even though it hurts more then I can express

that you are not with me anymore

or that I cant see you're smiling face..

or talk about our favourite books together,

at least you are in no more pain now,

safe in heavens arms

where nothing can ever hurt you again....

you were one in a million daddy

a poet with a poets heart,

everything feels so different without you,

and I feel so lost in the dark,

but even through the tears

even through the pain...

you will forever live within the pieces of my broken heart.

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