Grief and time

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wherever I go

I do see your face,

time passes

but does not heal

the wound of your passing still bleeds,

my grief pools at my feet;

alive but dazed

feeling empty within.

I cant believe you are just a memory now,

a photograph within my room,

your vacant chair where once you sat

and read night after night,

a stark reminder of all that is lost

never again to be found.

I miss so many things about you,

from the sound of your voice,

to your infectious sense of humour,

but most of all I miss the love and support

you gave out

that echoed from you in waves.

At night I cannot sleep

and for you I weep,

mourning all your stolen days

feeling like I'm in haze

the days all jumbled together,

nothing seems real

and all I feel is an emptiness

within me,

lost in the shadows,

where I cannot reach you.

none of it feels right,

you once shone so bright

yet your light was snuffed out

without warning,

no one knew how little time you had left with us,

now all I feel is regret,

regret for the days I never spent with you

and regret for the days we can never have back,

lost to me forever,

buried within the veil of the past

wishing with all my heart that I could have you back

if only for one small moment in time,

so I could once again feel your hand in mine

or hear you turn to me and say

that I will be forever your little girl,

and that is the way I will always stay.

Trying to piece together my broken heart

and come to terms with the fact that you

have gone away....

yet even though you have gone so far,

even though I cannot visit where you are...

every time I look up at the night sky,

I will forever see your beautiful blue eyes

shining in the light of the eternal stars....

Angel wingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن