I cant believe you!

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Cheryl POV
Me and Carla are messing around in the pool. 'You'll never be able to catch me' she said and swims off. 'I bet I can' I say swimming after her and pull her back by her legs. 'Hey that's cheating' she says wrapping her legs around my waist. 'Nu-uh' I say holding her. 'Can I flip off of your lap' she asked me (N/A if you haven't done this before you haven't lived). 'Of course' I say putting her on my lap. I helped her jump and she flipped. 'Thank you' she said swimming back over to me. 'No problamo' I say bringing her over to my waist again. 'Girls come on Micheal is here!' My mom yells. I look at Carla and she just rolls her eyes. 'Come on Carls, just keep an open mind mom likes him, I don't like him as much you do but willing to try for mom' I say walking over the edge of the pool with her and setting her on the edge. 'Again I hate him!' She said before standing up. 'Are you coming or what' she said standing at the double back doors. 'Calm down im coming' I say getting out of the pool. She put her hands up in the air, I put on my robe and then pick her up.  I walk to the door and my mother standing there. She signals us over and I walk there and she opens the door. 'Hey baby' Micheal said kissing my mom. Carla makes gagging noises. I push her shoulder and suppress my giggles.i then put her down. 'Hey Cheryl' he says to me. 'Hey Micheal' I say back to him. He looks Carla 'Hey Carla' he said bending down to her height level. 'Hey man I wish would leave me and my family ALONE!' She said then goes to standi behind me. I see my mum glare at her and then mouth to Micheal im sorry. 'Actually me and Micheal have someone we would like you to meet' my mother says causing me to raise an eyebrow. 'Who..the door?' I hear Carla say behind me. 'CARLA' my mum glares at her. If looks could kill she would be dead. I really try to suppress my giggles but I cant burst out laughing and my mum glares at me. 'I-im so-s-sorry' I say speaking through my giggles. 'Ok come in honey' Micheal says. Honey? Is my mum in a throuple. In walks a girl taller than me with pink highlights. 'Cheryl, Carla this is Micheals daughter, Antoinette' my mom says. 'DAUGHTER!' I yell. 'Cheryl calm down' my mum says. I hear sniffles behind me and I look and see Carla crying. 'Carls' I say bending down to her. 'I CANT BELIEVE YOU, I HATE YOU! She says before running up to her room and slamming the door behind her. 'CARLS' I say hoping she would reply. 'Uh im going to check on her, oh and mom don't think this is over' I say running upstairs. I knocked on Carlas door. 'GO AWAY' she yells. 'Its me im coming in' I say opening her door. She in bed with covers over her head. I close her door and go over to her. I get under the covers and put her head on my chest. I shh her.

Toni POV
I was mad at my dad that he didnt tell me she had kids! Like im obviously not as mad as Carla, I think her name is but still!. I knew I needed to get out for some air. 'Im so sorry Antoinette' Penelope apologises. 'Its Toni and its fine' I say to her. I couldn't stop thinking about the redhead I saw. I think her names cheryl . But she's gorgeous, I wish she was my girlfriend, what am I even saying she probably straight....FORGET THE FACT SHE COULD BE STRAIGHT IM HER STEP-SISTER!....come on Toni get a grip. 'How about we go get the rest of the boxes and then sit down and eat' Penelope suggest. 'Yeah sure' I say and then we start getting boxes in.Once we are finished I decide to take a walk around the town.'hey dad im going to take a walk around..that ok?'  'yeah sure have your phone on you' he says to me. 'Yeah ok' I say before leaving the house. The town seems nice enough. I take a walk through Pickens park and sit down on the bench. I look around at the scenery and think we are definetly not in GreenDale anymore. I sit there for a little bit longer and then go back to the place I should now call home I guess. I walk home and in the door and I see my dad and Penelope talking in the hallway. 'Hey kiddo! You were gone a long time, im sorry we didn't tell you?' He says coming over to me. 'I was?' I said  and then looked at the clock. JEEZ I was gone two and a half hours! It didn't feel like it. 'Oh I didn't know and your fine but what you did wasn't cool' I said lying through my teeth, I was still very mad. 'Im sorry....You hungry?' My dad asked me. 'Yeah I am...what we going to have?' I asked Penelope. 'I ordered pizza?' She replied. 'Yeah that great, thanks' I replied. I was about to walk off when Penelope said 'hey can you go tell the girls food will be here in a bit...I would but they are clearly mad at me' I knew this would be a bad idea but I went with it. 'Uh yeah sure' I said and jogged upstairs. There were alot of doors but one stood out in particular, it said Carla in big bright pink lettering. I knocked softly and heard a quiet come in. i walked in to see Cheryl lying down with Carla in her arms, asleep. 'Oh hey...im sorry for earlier, we didn't know you existed, Im Cheryl' she said extending her hand for me to shake it. 'Im Antoinette but call me Toni and its fine...I didn't know you existed either' I said shaking her hand. She gently shook Carla for her to wake up. 'Carls wakey wakey' she said again gently shaking her. 'W-what' Carla said before her eyes met mine. 'Why is she here!' Carla said snuggling into Cheryl. I have to admit that did hurt. 'Carls its not her fault...she didn't know we existed either, this is tough on her too'Cheryl said running her hands through Carla hair. 'My names Toni...sorry my dad didn't tell you, what's ur name?' I said to Carla. 'My names Carla' she said sitting upright. 'Your mom wanted me to tell you that she ordered pizza and it should arrive soon and for you both to come down stairs' I said sitting down on the bed. 'Im not eating with her!' Carla said pouting. 'That "her" is our mother and you have to' Cheryl said looking down at Carla. 'Nu huh' Carla said shaking her head. 'Your not going to give up on this are you?' Cheryl said. Carla shook her head. 'Well then how about we have a girls night and get to know each other better? We can eat our pizza up here and watch movies, pamper each other?' Cheryl suggested. I looked at Carla who's smile was getting bigger and bigger by the second. 'YESSSSS!!!!!' She yelled. 'But how are you going to get that past her' carla said referring to her mom as her again. 'Don't worry I have my ways' Cheryl smirked. 'How about you choose a movie and me and cheryl will go and convince your mom?' I suggested. Carla nodded her head and went to go turn the tv.

Cheryl POV
Me and Toni went down stairs, to see my mother and her father kissing. 'Ugh get a room you to' Toni said causing me to giggle. 'Uhh yeah sorry Antoinette' my mother said. 'Its Toni but whatever' Toni said, I could see her dad sending her a glare. 'Where Carla' my mother questioned. 'She isn't coming down to eat, she still mad at you for lying' I said looking between my mom and Tonis dad. 'Just tell her to stop being difficult and come down' my mother said causing me to get angry. 'She's not coming down and neither am I!' I said looking her straight in the eyes. 'Neither am I, im also mad at both you...a heads up would have been nice' Toni spoke up. 'Me, carls and Toni are having a girls sleepover..we are eating to pizza in Carls room and watching movie, neither one of you are to enter room...under any circumstance....do I make myself perfectly clear? I don't need Carls upset...ill talk to her for you, but im not a miracle worker so don't expect an apology' I said looking at them making sure the two of them were going to say yes. 'What do you think Micheal?' My mother asked Tonis dad.  'I think it would be a great way for the girls to bond?' Tonis dad said looking in Tonis direction. 'Ok but don't leave a mess' my mother said sternly causing me to roll my eyes. the door bell rang causing Toni to go to the island in the kitchen and pick up the money. She opened the door and payed for the food coming back in with 4 pizzas, a salad, 4 sodas and a water. 'Who's the salad for?' She asked looking between all three of us. 'Its mine and so Is the water...me and carls always share a pizza' I said taking two of the pizzas and sodas from Toni and giving them to my mom and Tonis dad. 'K goodnight' I said before taking Tonis hand and bringing her upstairs and up to Carlas room. 'YAY foods here' Carla screams causing me to laugh. Carlas made the floor comfy for me and Toni to sleep on with pillows, blankets and duvets. We started watching the movie and we sat on a make shift couch in Carlas room. When we all finshed eating we layed back on the pillows. I subconsciously put my head on Tonis shoulder causing her to look down at me. 'Im s-sorry' I say moving back but to my original spot...I was blushing.....woah why am I blushing. 'No its fine I would have moved you if I found it uncomfortable' she said a pushed me back down on her shoulder. i smiled and focused back on the movie

A little while later
We were eating sweets and chocolate, I had my head on Toni lap and she was feeding me malteasers. 'Catch it Carla!' Toni said before throwing the chocolate ball Into her mouth. 'YESSS' Carla said before jumping up and down clearly in a sugar rush. 'Think its time for bed missy' I said to Carla before getting off of Toni and going to tuck her in. Surprisingly she didn't put up a battle and went over to the makeshift bed. 'Im tired' was all she said before closing her eyes and falling asleep. 'She's cute u know?' Toni said before motioning down for me to lay on  her lap again.
'I know she takes after me' I said before Toni started bursting out laughing. 'Tell me about yourself' I said to her before popping another chocolate ball into my mouth. 'Well im 17, bisexual but more of a lesbian, single, I like to read and uh....go to partys.' She said, I currently had a very shocked expression on my face....I didnt know she was gay? 'Something wrong...ur not homophobic are you?' She said worried. 'What? No...im just shocked cause im bi too' (N/A I'm not sure if I will change this at a later stage but I know she's a lesbian in the show)I said before scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. 'That's cool....what age are you?' She asked taking a gummy worm from the sweet bowl. 'Im 16..but im in your year...I turn 17 this year' I say taking one as well. 'Cool....single?' she asked. 'Uh no...I have a boyfriend' I say before...looking away from her. 'That's cool...is he nice?' she asked. I froze at that question before mumbing an answer..I think she took the hint, because she suggested we go to sleep. 'Im sorry but I like to cuddle in my sleep' she says before wrapping her arm around me. it felt good, not gonna lie. She was warm and it felt good for someone to cuddle me....

N/A hey guys sorry i haven't uploaded in a while, don't worry my hot teacher will be getting updated soon too, thank you so much for reading...🥺🥺🥰

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