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Nick looked over towards you, hearing your gratitude. 

"Of course," he replied. Your voice sounded like an angel to him. It was delicate, soft, and even though it was because you were whispering, he loved it anyways. He wanted to hear you laugh, giggle, and yell at him about some stupid game they were playing. But who knows if you would come back after he helped you and brought you back to your feet. Hopefully you would. 

You yawned and laid back on the couch, the only knowledge of this guy being his name. You wanted to burst out crying again and let out all your feelings, but now wasn't the time to. While he was here, you decided to keep your feelings inside. 

"Um.. Hey," Sapnap started, walking over to you. You flashed a smile at him. "Your name?"

"Y/N," you answered, sitting up.

"Well, Y/N, food's ready." He waited for you to stand up before leading you to the dining table. If we're being honest, you thought the food smelled delicious and you felt pretty happy that you'd be able to eat this. You didn't take any second thoughts as you sat down and started to eat it.

Nick smiled, happy that you enjoyed his food. He sat down and started to eat as well. Another small smile played across your lips, the first genuine smile that you had in ages.

"It's great, Nick," you complimented, your voice as soft as a whisper. He nodded in response before getting up. 

"I'll be back, just setting up something," he spoke, walking over to his living room. You waited for him eagerly, not enjoying the loneliness that suddenly filled the room. He came back as soon as he finished and sat down.

"So, what do you think of the idea of watching a movie?" He asked, looking up at you as he took a bite of his soup.

"Um... Sure. Do you have Tangled?" You asked quietly, hoping he'd have your favorite Disney Princess movie. It's my favorite so now it's yours lmao. His eyes widened and he smiled a little more.

"Yeah, of course I do. I love that movie," he chuckled. You finished the soup and waited for Nick to finish. He finished and grabbed both of your dishes, taking them to the kitchen. You got up and watched him for a moment. "Do you have any friends I should contact just in case you feel like leaving?"

"Oh, um, yeah. My friend Karl." You walked over to him as he pulled out his phone.

"Do you know his phone number by memory?" He asked, looking over at you. You nodded, giving it to him. As soon as he started to put it in, his contact 'Karl' came up. Both of you frowned, a little confused. "Karl Jacobs?" 

"Yeah. That's my closest friend currently," you rasped quietly, clearing your throat. 

"Oh. He's my friend as well. Cool," he chirped, texting Karl. You sighed, walking over to the couch and got comfy cozy as you waited for Nick again. He popped back over with the movie Tangled, sliding it into his player. He turned the TV on and the movie immediately came up onto the screen. "You ready?" 

"Yeah," you answered, snuggling into his sweatshirt. He pressed play and the movie started, adverting all your attention from the horrible thoughts that circled around in the back of your mind.

*   *

You woke up, a little started at first by your surroundings, but you soon remembered everything that had gone down yesterday. With a sigh, you cuddled closer to the warm feeling under you. Until you realized it was Nick. You sat back up, moving away from him, feeling a little guilty for falling asleep on him during the movie. You turned the TV off, hearing his phone buzz. Quietly, you snuck over to it and looked down to see that Karl had texted. You didn't look any further as to respect his privacy, but they must've been up for a while, meaning Nick must've recently fallen asleep. You placed a nearby blanket over him to keep him warm. Looking around, you noticed a pair of slip-ons that were obviously too big for you but you took them anyways, putting them on. 

You left a small thank you note next to him, happy that you had another friend. You put your phone number onto the note, hoping that he'd text you again. With his slip-ons, you made your way back to your house. It took a while but you made it and walked back inside. You came face to face with a worried Karl, red as if he'd been crying. He immediately hugged you, squeezing you to death. You hugged him back, resting your forehead on his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry," you whispered, only causing Karl to hug you tighter.

"I told you to text if anything went wrong. Just, please, don't do that again," he sniffled. You stayed like that for a moment, happy to be in his arms again. 

"Okay," you responded. He gulped, pulling away from you.

"I'll make some breakfast but you have to tell me about what happened with you and Sapnap, er, Nick," he urged. 

"Sapnap?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. 

"That's his username for everything, so we usually call him that. It gets a little confusing," he chuckled lightly, heading for your kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast?" 

"Um, over-easy eggs sounds okay," you answered, following him. 

"Now tell me everything about what happened between you and him. By the way, I picked up your phone at Trevor's house while looking for you, you had dropped it. And is that Nicks sweatshirt?" He asked, motioning to it. You sighed, nodding.

"I forgot to take it off. I'm going to take a shower and we can talk over breakfast, okay? I'm still a little dirty from the yesterday and I just need to relax a little," you explained, taking Nicks sweatshirt off.

"Alright, well I'll be waiting," he smiled, pulling out the ingredients. You trudged over to the bathroom, kicking his slip-ons off and looking into the mirror. It was funny how they could stand for you to look like this in front of them. Torn-up, broken, ugly. Trevor wouldn't ever allow that. You sucked in a deep breath, turning on the shower.

Trevor's gone.

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