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Your eyes widened for a moment, only for a moment, but it was nice. Even with water all over the place. It was chaotic, but quiet. Honestly, you were the happiest you'd been in a while. Quite a weird place to find happiness in, sure, but you somehow did.

And then you bit your lip and closed your eyes slightly, just barely able to see through them. Nick's lips curled up into a grin and he laughed, shoving your face away from his. 

"Oh my god, you're an idiot," he chuckled, sitting up. You backed up, giving him some room.

"Right, well... How do we explain this to Karl when he returns?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Nick's jaw almost dropped. He didn't have extra clothes. He stood up, stumbling around as he made his way to your room. You quickly followed not too far behind him, trying not to slip.

As you entered, a shirt was thrown at your face and you almost tripped over your feet, unable to see. You clutched it tightly in your hands and threw it back at Nick, your eyes furrowed into annoyance with a slight hint of joy. 

"Hey! I'm looking for a shirt I could wear," he huffed, searching through your drawers. 

"Too bad, none of them will fit you," you replied, quickly throwing off your wet shirt in exchange for a nearby shirt and Nick's hoodie. Before you were able to even touch his hoodie, Nick snatched it away.

"Mine. If none of your shirts will fit me, then this will do." You sighed, crossing your arms and adverting your eyes to your bare feet on the carpeted floor as Nick changed shirts. To entertain yourself as you waited, you started wiggling your toes. It made you giggle. Of course, it was pretty childish but who would care? 

A squeak came from Nick and you could hear one of the drawers in your closet slam shut. Your head snapped up and you stared at the drawer he closed. You glanced at the boy, his face almost as red as a tomato. With a roll of your eyes, you shuffled over to your closet and closed the doors.

"What were you expecting, dumbass?! Of course my lingerie is in there, where else would I put it?" You scoffed, giving Nick a look that said, 'really'. He responded with a quick shrug and hurried out to clean up the water. Once he left, you looked around your room. It wasn't too messy, but it wasn't perfect either. A few shirts had been strewn across the floor and your desk was a mess as you had left all your mail to sit there for a couple of days. You crossed your arms and started on Nick's path to the kitchen until your eyes wandered to the mirror. Stopping in your tracks, you examined yourself in the mirror. Slim as usual, but your legs had a couple of bruises on them from the night before. Your eyes were a bit puffed up from tears before but your face was clear for the most part. With a sigh, you left the room to go help Nick clean up the water spill.

*   *

"Y/N, I know you've been down-down recently, yeah? But what if- what if I took you to go get ice cream? I can even invite Nick if that makes you feel better," Karl suggested, a hopeful smile stretched across his face. He gave you a double-handed thumbs up, waiting eagerly for your answer. You sighed. It was Karl. How could you say no?

"Alright, alright. When?" You answered, setting your elbow down on the nearby counter. Nick had left only moments ago and Karl was finally able to ask you to go. He squealed quietly, rewarding himself with a sudden hug. You chuckled, slowly wrapping your arms around him. 

"Tomorrow, an hour after noon!" He exclaimed, giving himself a couple more seconds before backing away. "We're going to paint your nails and maybe even get a couple of Monsters afterwards!" His eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke, his passion and care that he had just for making you happy made you happy. That was all it took with Karl. You were so glad he was your best friend. Of course, you were going to have to do something for him. You'd contact Nick later for help with that.

"Sounds good. Well, I'll be off to my room now. Make sure you get home safely." You went in for one last hug. It lasted a lot longer than before, which you had hoped for.

"Stay safe," he whispered before letting go and leaving. He waved quickly before he left and you giggled. You watched as he left before walking to your room. With a yawn, you plopped down onto your bed. You were given such amazing people as your friends while you weren't the best person in the world, obviously. At least compared to them. Looking around, you remembered Nick had taken his sweatshirt home and you sighed, wishing he had left it. Without his sweatshirt's warmth, you decided to snuggle into the covers of your bed. They were cold at first, as it had been a few hours since you'd been laying there. Cold pillows are amazing. Cold blankets and covers? Yikes. But alas, that's just how beds worked.

You reached over to your nightstand blindly, almost knocking over a small hard-covered book while you did. The nightstand didn't have much on it, but you just couldn't seem to find your phone. You huffed a bit and strained to look up and over at the nightstand. You finally felt your phone and laid back down, relaxing back into the bed. The phone screen blinded you at first glance. Its light was like a car's bright's during the night as your room was almost pitch-black with streaks of light seeping in from the window. 

Scrolling through your socials, you didn't find it too entertaining and no one was messaging you. You ended up stalking through your exes account for a little, hoping to see him sad or desperate or anything of the kind, but came up unsatisfied. Oh well. He wasn't worth wasting your time on.

Before turning your phone off, you texted Nick a 'Mocha and Milk' gif to make him smile. The two were dancing in front of speakers with blacked-out sunglasses on, grooving to whatever music was playing with disco lights streaming down onto him. You giggled quietly, amused by the gif, before you finally turned your phone off and allowed yourself to take another nice little nap.

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