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Ivy was about the same size as Erin, but so much more imposing. She was a stocky, well built figure, with scarred skin and a shaved head. She wore clothes more related to a weary soldier than a traveller.

"You know, you never did tell me what you do." Ivy said, as the walked down the outside of a large, columned marble corridor.

"Well, nothing really. I was born the year the Empire took power, so there's been no real jobs to do apart from slavery. Not that I would get a job anyway."

"Ah. Your parents?"

"Just my father. My mother was killed when they took the capital, and let's just say he's... powerful."


"Oh that doesn't matter nowadays. It's bigger than that. Why wouldn't they let you land?"

"Oh I don't know." Ivy responded. "Something about VOE Day, do you know anything about that?"

"Are you kidding? It's the most historic day of my life!" Erin looked shocked at Ivy's obliviousness.

"Oh. Well what is it, what are they celebrating?"

"Victory on Endor. Are you sure you're from this galaxy?" She said laughing.

"Oh I don't get involved in politics." Ivy said, looking down.

"This is more than politics, the Empire is defeated!"

Erin looked up. "Wait, what?!" 

"How do you not know! The Rebellion attacked them, and apparently they killed the Emperor." She said.

"You serious? Well why are they celebrating here?"

"Well people were inspired. And the Grand Moffs and Troopers had no orders,  so there was an uprising here. Anyway, they surrendered, and it turns out the same must have happened on other planets because there's only like there's only like two bases left." She ranted, excitedly.

"You're not worried they'll come back?" Ivy said, worried.

"Well you're a downer." Erin said, the excitedness gone. "Sure the war isn't over but it is so close. And this is a huge win, liberation at least. And anyway, how do you not know about this?'

"Oh I'm a traveller. I've been flying for the past week, I was trying to get to the Outer Rim. I stopped for supplies at an Imperial Outpost, but I guess they were looking for people like me because the next thing I knew I was in a gunfight. They hit my ship, I got away but light speed was obviously too much, so that's how my ship got messed up." Ivy said, almost embarrassed.

"Well it's good to know I'm harbouring a war criminal." Erin joked. "What's in the Outer Rim?"

"Corvis Minor."

"Come again?"

"It's a star system, most boring in the galaxy." Ivy reminisced. "Which is mainly why I'm going. It's where my parents lived, before all this..."

"It sounds beautiful."

"It is. It's the most beautiful place to ever exist."

"Oh I wish I could be a traveller," said Erin.

"No, you don't." Ivy scoffed. "What do you want to be a traveller for, you live in like complete luxury here. It's a lot less glamorous than it sounds."

"I would die to. Just to get away, see the stars... With what my father does, I'm always stuck here,  even now the empire has gone."

"Yeah well. It's dangerous stuff, you don't know who you're gonna bump into."

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