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Six years later

Those piercing, sea-green eyes.

They seemed to have grown darker and seemed wrong somehow. With Riptide in her hands, she had looked evil. The sneer that became her face as she stalked toward me.

"What do you want from me?!"

I shook my head.

"My power?! My loyalty?! Because it's already yours!" A single tear. "I can't escape!"

"I gave my life. I'll haunt you forever."


Hera grimaced. She was an awful person.

She is an awful person.

Standing from her bed, she walked to her vanity, shakily sitting down as she let her hair down. She rests her head in her hand, chuckling as she shakes her head.

She stood and left her bedroom, swiping a shawl from a nearby Bergere.


Olympus was silent for once. The faint glow of the brick walkway lighted her way, her destination unknown. She pulled her shawl closer.

"You know, sister, walks aren't your thing."

Hera looked up to see her eldest sibling.

"Hestia, leave me be, please."

"Well, you have just crossed my way home." Hestia dipped her head.

"What are you doing up?" Hera asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Hestia gave a small smile. "But I won't; what's yours is yours. Including your business."

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything regardless." Hera crossed her arms. Hestia smiled again and gave her a knowing look.

"You didn't have to, Hera. Don't look into dreams too much. That's all they are; only dreams. Have a good night, sister," Hestia kept walking, passing Hera and continuing on her path home.

Hera left with a lingering chill at the base of her spine. Something was going to go very wrong, very fast; she could feel it.


"Do you know where my dagger is, Annabeth?" Laura asks.

"Laura, I thought I told you to use a sword until you have control over your wrists and are able to have a balance," Annabeth raises her eyebrows.

"But, Annabeth, a sword feels too big! It's too heavy, but a dagger feels just right!" Laura huffs and pushes out her bottom lip.

"Alright, Laura. Check with Malcolm first," Laura smiles and nods excitedly.

"Bold move," says Ophelia.

"Well, what can I say? I know the feeling. I got my first dagger when I was seven. She's nine; it fits," Annabeth continues shuffling with her architecture plans.

"Yeah, well, you're a lot to live up to, Annabeth," Malcolm says, Laura, trailing behind him. "I told her, yes, but she has to go with you for the first time," Annabeth rolls her eyes at her brother.

"Pfft, she'll be fine." Malcolm gives her a look.

"Alright, whatever," Annabeth replies. "We can do Thursday, Laura." Malcolm walks away, satisfied with Annabeth's answer to Laura.

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