Chapter 5

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 Jolene and I dashed out of that cursed house in record time. By now I wasn't even thinking about the trip back or worrying about being seen by somebody and being arrested or kidnapped or something like that. All I could think about was that spell book on the table and that body in the chest. What on earth had just happened in there I really didn't know. All I knew was that I now had to be brave or at least pretend to be brave if only for Jolene's sake. Seems that despite the doubts I had harbored in the past, I had been told the truth about the witch this whole time. Who knew how long she had been there? Was it possible that Father's coming here did indeed draw Bhavani to us? I knew nothing of witches and magic in general so I had no idea how this whole flight from the darkness even worked so I just went with my gut.

With a lot of panting and no rests, Jolene and I eventually made it to the snowbank we had buried the skiff in. We threw aside our backpacks and began to dig furiously like a huskie who is after a bone in the deep snow and frozen soil. After a few moments, we had uncovered enough of the skiff that I could easily pull it out and dump out the rest of the snow before shoving it with all my might towards coastline. It's a good thing I knew that small island like the back of my hand because I could not see where in the world I was going and every now and again Jolene would shout "the tree!" or "Watch out for that slick spot!" or "Julian, watch out for the – never mind." Let's just say that by the time we got to the coast I was sporting more than one bruise and some of them on top of others.

It was probably about twelve or twelve-thirty by the time we actually got to the coastline and were ready to push off. My sister and I pulled up our hoods to distort our appearances in case anyone should see us. I turned back to my sister to help her into the boat. She had on her knapsack and was holding mine, the oar I needed to start the skiff with, and "Where did you get that sword?"

"From the silversmith, Yimri."

"You asked Yimri to make you a sword?"

"No, I asked him to make you a sword for our birthday. I know it's like three months early but with us running away and all I was hoping that it would remind you who you are. I know you struggle with that."

"And who am I, Jolene?"

"You are a prince. You are loved by your sister. You are a leader. And you sorely lack confidence. I saved the worst the last to make you feel better about yourself."

Feeling a little choked up and annoyed at the same time, I took the sword and fastened on the belt. It was the perfect size and weight for me. Already feeling more adventurous, I took hold of Jolene's waist and swung her into the boat along with the rest of our gear before I pushed off and began paddling with all my might.

"Which way, Jolene?"


"You have the compass, which was is north?"

"Spin a little to the right. A little more. There! Keep going straight, now."

Once we were well on our waay, I settled at the rudder and finally said to her, "I will kid you not, Jolene. I am scared to death." There was no other girl I would have admitted that to except for my twin sister.

"Same here. I don't blame Bhavani for taking Lackamoran's body, (the old hag had it coming to her after all) but I do feel a little sorry for her all the same. Do you think Papa's coming to the island drew her here?"

"Quite possibly. But considering that she had already invited us to stay with her the day he came, she may have already found us. Jolene! I think it was the notebook!"

"What do you mean the notebook?"

"Valentia has limited knowledge about our parents to just the facts. Nothing that could help Bhavani find us. The notebook was a direct connection with Grandfather and whether or not she knew we had it, she might have sensed that connection and used it to find us!"

"That makes sense! Magic depends on tangible objects! Julian, what can we do?"

"Appeal to Lieydan with all your might that we make it to Millcou safely and that our parents have the opportunity to see us one more time."

"You don't actually think we could DIE do you?"

I took a breath realizing myself what I had just implied. "We know from the stories we were told that Bhavani was out for blood. I am afraid that death is a possibility. If Mother and Father could see us just once, that would be enough for me."

We didn't speak much after that. We rowed onwards until we reached a large iceberg where we could see the coastlines of Inimicus, Batlo, and Tor all at the same time, but still couldn't quite see Millcou. Fortune seemed to be smiling on us that night, as there was a small cave in the middle of the iceberg that would be just big enough for Jolene and I to curl up in without it getting weird. After a small meal of dried seal meat and winterberries, we slept. The sun was already high in the heavens when we awoke the next morning, stiff and cold but not frostbitten thanks to our warm cloaks and special polar bear skin blankets. It was slightly stale coffeecake that we had stolen yesterday for breakfast that morning before we shoved off in hopes of making it to Millcou by that evening. We had been traveling for almost two and half hours and we could finally see the coast of Millcou and a bit of the silhouette of the Ice Palace shining against the bright blue sky when something happened. A spiral of black clouds came up from under the water and began to surround the boat and eventually blocked out even the sky above us. Simultaneously, a smell of burning sulfur washed over us making us gag. There was a sudden flash and the next thing we knew, the woman who had been curled up in Lackamoran's cedar chest was standing on the bows of the boat with perfect balance. "Not exactly the family get-together I had in mind," she said, "But a family get-together nonetheless."

"Bhavani, I presume." I said bravely. It was actually easier than you might think because she was so ugly. I didn't even have a reason right off the top of my head to be scared of her. "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are our second cousin on our mother's side."

"You are correct, my dear cousin Julian." Bhavani played along as if she was actually enjoying the whole thing. "Very astute. Not to mention you were absolutely right about me using that notebook as a way to find you. Have you ever considered a life of sorcery?"

"What did you do with Lackamoran?" Jolene snarled not eager to play games with our witch-cousin.

"Oh, she will just be very confused but possess no memory of me borrowing her body. I assure you, my dear Jolene, she is just fine otherwise. You are the uptight one after all, aren't you? I would have that was your brother seeing as how he was so quiet compared to you."

"Cut the 'nice' talk, Bhavani." Jolene made a move to get closer to Bhavani but she had only taken a half-step forward before Bhavani raised her arms and made two fists which glowed red. At the same time, Jolene doubled over and let off an agonized wail. "What are you doing to me?"

"Well, it seems to be tradition in my family that every time someone in your family defies us in some form or fashion we take away their ability to have children, which is exactly what I have done to you."

Jolene froze and slowly moved her hand to her stomach. She tried speaking but couldn't and looked like she was ready to break down in tears.

"You dirty daughter of a demon!" I growled at the witch with my hand unconsciously moving towards my sword.

"Oh, so this quiet, mellow prince has a tongue and temper after all." Bhavani teased in a sickly-sweet manner. "Well, let's see if we can't turn that up any more."

With that, she pounced on the still shocked Jolene. With her fingers enclosed around my sister's neck, she bent my sister's body backwards so hard that I could hear every bone in her body crack. With a series of evil giggles, the red-haired hag squeezed my sister's throat as hard as she could.

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