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You and Dom finally get home, you just missed the rain, thankfully. You get into one of Dom's hoodies. They are so, so, so, so comfy. 

"Y/N come 'ere for a second love" Dom calls from the kitchen. You run down the stairs jokingly and see him cooking, hmm this is odd... oh well you'll take it!

"So, what did you need me for then bubs?" you inquire. "I wanted to cook dinner for a little change and have a date night." he replies. "Is that so? You've been treating me all day today, what's up?" you ask, an excited grin spreads across his face but he refrains from telling you. It was driving you crazy! You decided to help with cooking because there wasn't much else to do really.

Whenever you both get sitting down at the table he looked like he was dying to tell you something the whole time you were eating, "Dom, you have been holding your tongue long enough! What is ittt" dragging out the 't' in a begging tone. 

"Ok, ok fine. I was wondering if you want to come on tour with me..." Dom asked eagerly. You said yes, obviously. He was so happy and relieved. You and Dom danced (and sang) til' dawn to his Weird! album and Machine Gun Kelly's tickets to my downfall album.

-one week later-

It was the morning you and Dom had to wake up at 4am to go to the airport to go on tour. You both had extremely little sleep if any due to the excitement. You were in London but were headed to Paris, France. When you were in the airport you dragged Dom to go to the shops to buy snacks, drinks, books, portable charger, pens, a notebook etc.

When you finally got on the plane it only took Dom minutes to fall asleep next to you. You took his phone and added to his Instagram story a picture of you and Dom captioned: Paris here we come!👀🖤📎

You woke up an hour later in Dom's arms to him whispering "Y/N it's time to wake up babe we're 'ere and I'm so fookin' excited." You open your eyes, turn around and immediately shower him with kisses, in your defence, how can you resist them lips? "okay, lets go then!"  

Your in Paris' airport, dead excited but so sleep-deprived. As soon as you get to the hotel Dom tells you to get ready because he wants to go and meet some fans. You can't decline this opportunity, you love meeting and getting to know the BHC with Dom.

When you get to the spot the meet-and-greet is being held and as soon as you and Dom enter he looks at you and asks how he looks, you look him in the eye and say," you look so fuckin' fit." He smirks and kisses you. You both walk out to the BHC and an uproar of screams and claps echo the building. 

3 hours later and Dom is still energetic, excited and happy. You could swear, he could do this all day!

 You also talk to the fans every now and then, one girl in particular really made you realise how incredibly important Dom is for thousands of people including yourself. She was telling you how Dom had saved her life, how she felt she didn't belong anywhere until she found Dom's music. She said that he inspires her everyday to be herself no matter what anyone around you thinks. You and Dom hugged her and Dom told her how much she is appreciated by him, you and the BHC. You shed a tear, it was really real. Unfortunately, not everyone is accepted, not until they find YUNGBLUD of course...

-Please tell me if I should continue and if so please give me so ideas! xoxo-

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