Chapter 4: Politics in play

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Looking around to his sides, blurred vision as his eyes opened for a few seconds. The severe migraine striking his head pounding underneath his skin.

The dark alleys with no sign of light not any buildings. Sand and mud making the small pavement of passage.

The horizon visible, light blue sky serving as the only view other than the few pebbles and dry grass. The men whose faces were covered with striped red clothing carried him on their shoulders shouting in foreign language to one another.

Closing his eyes to enjoy the few minutes of silence, Apex began to question all his training he underwent in Atlas. Lowering his gaze making no eye contact and greeting the Islamic way, nothing worked as it landed him a knock out punch.

Keeping his breath steady to avoid alerting his presence, his eyes already wide open absorbing his empty surroundings.

All of a sudden his body had no support from the strong arms that carried him, for a moment it was a struggle with gravity before he landed on the ground with a thump. Grunting in pain and silently praying this was all over hoping it was a dream, he went on to close his eyes after a very familiar voice sang through his ears.

The very scared man he met at the empty deserts a few hours ago was barking orders to his comrades in various languages French, English and Polish were the few he understood.

Other bodies lay near him all unconscious but still breathing were being kicked to wake up, each man grunting and spitting blood out struggling to free themselves from the chains on their wrists.

Opening his eyes, not wanting to get a tremendous beating on the hands of a stranger. Looking at the man approaching, smirking over his body. Apex turned around quickly removing his chains with a few clicks as he had learned from training. Grabbing the foot that had reached out to kick him and striking it with a powerful hit. The man fell on his knees and anger plastered his face, the fire in his eyes grew bigger and his stare grew intense. Standing up and giving a large blow to his face, Apex went on to lock his arms behind his back waiting for him to tap out.

No taping out never happened as the man shouted in pain alerting his buddies who came rushing to separate them.

Being beaten was never a source of pride for any man and the same went for the man as he left with his head low showing his face to no one.

A hand extended towards him giving him a boost to stand up. "You have done well as a newbie! What is your name white man?" Asked a very short bearded man that had no clothing covering his face.

"Muawiya Sultan, born in New York, USA. Former special troops commander and led the U.S. Forces in Iraq during the occupation we had." Apex replied recounting all the details that he had memorised about his new identity. Standing up on his feet and smiling.

"Good boy, wise choice you left the hypocrites, they call us terrorists but when they attack it's just fighting against terrorism! We kill 1 American and they kill 50 afghanis civilians, or they bomb a whole village in Pakistan in search for us! But do you know why they don't find us Muawiya? The short man who was the only one in a suit looked towards Apex raising his face to match his eyes "Because they cause terrorism too and we use it to protect us. The same way they get tax money for war against their so called terrorism, the same way we get money from our people."

Hearing this news wasn't shocking at all to Apex, having known that ISIS was created by CIA and trained by the MOSSAD, the financiers were none other than the puppets of the American Government - Saudi Arabia. But he had to act surprised and caught off guard.

Nodding with his eyes widened Apex went on to look at the other men that stood there. All wearing the traditional long dresses for men with their heads covered, one hand an Ak-47 and another a Rolex. Most of them were pale coloured and their accents proved they were more linked to Europe than any other country.

"Follow me Muawiyah, I already like you. I am Harun Jawshan the right wing of Abu-Bakr Al Baghdadi." Spoke the short man in the suit.

A huge victorious smile spread across Apex, but he quickly went back to looking serious as his lips showed no sign of a smile.

It was time for him to start his undercover work.

"Today we have lost one of our own, assigned to deliver a package in Iraq, Agent Apex was captured and killed by ISIS Sunni Militants today morning at 8:00. We pray for him to live a life of peace and enjoy the bounties of heaven for he was a great soldier one we shall miss.

Rest in Peace Apex"

The burial ceremony of Agent Apex had begun, the empty coffin was being carried towards the cemetery. Green grass and various trees scattered around with birds chirping on top. The faces were down filled with sadness and sorrow. The coffin was placed on the ground and the Bishop began the ceremony.

Placing the coffin six foot under the ground, each soldier began to throw sand covering the coffin. According to Atlas traditions every family member remained till the end of the ceremony but only one man stood there Sergeant Garcia who was crying his eyes out with rivers of tears. He was left out in the dark for the better of Apex and Atlas.

"CEO may I have a word?" Spoke one of the bodyguards that had come of the phone. Taking the CEO towards the car where no one could hear them

"Any words on Muawiya?" Asked the CEO worried about his asset. After all he didn't want the burial to turn into reality. "He is safe and sound, he has been taken by the right wing Harun under his mentor." Replied the bodyguard smiling towards the CEO.

"Keep me posted!"

Hey guys hope you enjoyed it! This story is based on reality and most facts are real. Although majority of the names are made up except the high profile terrorists. If you learn something new be assured it is most likely true :) leave a comment!

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