Chapter 1

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Haaa.... How boring ....... There's nothing to do.

Well you guys must be wondering why... right.... well you see I'm an angel.

Yup that one

When I wasn't dead I was just living my life going to college getting a job and watching anime and reading Manhwa/manga. I got a pretty stable job and being single which I was okay with. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though my friends would keep on insisting me to get a girlfriend so I don't get lonely without them. Even my parents would also say that to 'You should get a girlfriend so you won't die lonely.'

Yea that was not going to happen no one interested me, sure I was handsome and some girls would have a crush on me and they were pretty and nice. They just weren't the one for me.

Both my friends and parents were right sorta, I passed away due to a drunk driver that hit me. The people that were near the scene called the ambulance, but they weren't there in time to save me.

After that I woke up only to see people with wings saying that I died and became an angel. Surprisingly heaven was the same as in the human world. Instead of using money they used points. For the jobs it was like being a system and helping the heroine. Another one was watching over a dimension but you have to take some lessons. Their also jobs that sell foods, clothes, jewelry, potions, spells, and more for the owner or for them selves.

Everyone here has their own system that was like very advanced. You basically could do almost everything.

That's why it was boring it's already been 3 years and it was so boring I had nothing to do except sell stuff. Other than that I was just collecting random things that I would think would hope me in the near future or save points.

Huh where am I. Was I to busy narrating my life that I got lost. How come I never seen this place before.

Hmm. What's this
As M/n touched a magical ball that was on a cushion.

Silence as nothing happened until a magical portal appeared out of no where and dragged M/n in.

Leaving nothing but silence in the room.

As no one noticed what happened nor did they know that M/n was gone.

Who made me a princess Claude x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now