Chapter 4

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As Felicity toyed with the CPU (Central Processing Unit), she was able to fix the expansion slots, the chipset, and the circuitry that interconnects the motherboard components. She raised a fist in the air as she was able to get all the pieces together. Once the phone turned on, Felicity was able to connect to the comms that the boys had.

"Dad? Can anybody hear me?" Felicity whispered. She didn't know how long she had before Joker and Harley came, so she had to make the conversation as short as possible. 

'Felicity,' Oliver breathed. There was relief in his voice that she was still alive.

'Fel, we're coming.' Dick said and he sped even faster on his bike. 'A stupid question, but I have to ask anyway, are you okay?'

Felicity wanted to cry, she really did, but she sucked up the tears and answered, "I'm okay, I just want to get out of here. Joker and Harley will probably be back soon. Do you guys know where I am?"

'We have your location, about two minutes out.' Bruce said. He shifted the Batmobile into a higher gear and stepped on the gas pedal.

 "Okay, see you when you get-" She stopped as she looked saw Harley come into view. "Oh, frack."

"Oh, Quinn, you've been a bad, bad girl." Harley stepped into the cage and walked slowly up to her. A pout came on her face as she tilted her head to the side. "Why do you want to leave your mommy and daddy, pudding?"

Felicity narrowed her eyes at her and used the strength she had to pull herself up off the ground and up the fence to stand toe to toe with the woman who somehow brought her into this life. There was shouting over the phone, but Felicity ignored it as she looked into Harley's eyes. "Why would I want to leave? Why don't you?"

Harley put up her hand and tried to reach out to her, but Felicity flinched away, causing Harley to put it down to her side. "Because I love my puddin, he would do anything for me. He was able to get me you, but you," She took her hand and slapped Felicity across the face, right where the cut on her cheek was. 

Felicity whimpered but showed no tears as she faced her again. "You are so ungrateful, we gave you a home, a place to sleep, and we both love you. You just don't see love, like the love your father has for me."

Felicity took a step closer to Harley and narrowed her eyes. "Love? Does Joker beating you mean he loves you? Because that isn't loving. Love is warm, love is safe, love is doing anything possible for that person. Do you want to know what love really is? My adoptive father taking me in when he knew I wasn't his. Love is when you have so many feelings for someone that you tuck it away and let him go on his own so you don't hold him back. Love is protecting that person no matter what the cost. Love is accepting that person for who they are. You don't know what love is, you don't get to use that word."

Harley's face contorted in an ugly way before she completely dropped her shoulders as if she was a martinet doll and someone had cut the strings. "That's where you're the wrong sweetie..." Harley looked at her daughter with a dark look that haunted Felicity. She stepped closer to her until Felicity's back was against the chain-link fence. "He would die for me, my puddin would. But you won't you will never be one of us." Harley then wrapped her arms around Felicity's throat and pressed her thumbs against her windpipe. Felicity clawed at her hands, but the hands around her throat just squeezed tighter, cutting all the oxygen off from her lungs. She couldn't hold herself up and fell to the ground. Harley followed her down and continued to squeeze. Felicity reached and felt for anything that could be used as a weapon. Finally, her fingertips touched the motherboard of the cell phone. When she was able to get a good grip on it, she held onto it and used all the strength she could muster, and plunged the pointed side to lodge it into Harley's neck. Harley's hands immediately released around Felicity as she screamed out in pain. As she fell on her side, she tried to get the motherboard out of her neck, but Felicity sat up and pushed her until she was laying on her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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