the ladybug and the cat

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the sun stooped low across the horizon, it's last rays of light barely bleeding through the clouds. the paris evening lit up in different pinks and blues as i sat on the edge of the building, swinging my legs back and forth.



i glanced at her hair glistening in the setting sun as she sat next to me, letting her hair out.

it had been over two years since they were in their pigtails as she seemed to have grown out of them. her hair was now in a single bun, her bangs falling out of their signature red hair-ties.

perhaps i missed them.

"can i ask you something?"

"of course, chaton," ladybug chuckled softly, laying her back on the floor, her legs still hanging off.

i copied her movements, "why can't we reveal ourselves to each other?"

ladybug sighed exasperatedly, "you know why, silly kitty. hawkmoth could use it against us."

"we don't have to tell him!"

"and if one of us slips up?"

"i won't if you won't,"

she giggled, her eyes crinkling and her hand moving to cover her smile, "it's not that i don't trust you, chat. it's that, if one of us were to get akumatized, or if something were to happen to us..."

"m'lady, but what if plagg gets hurt? it's happened to tikki before. what's to say it doesn't happen to plagg? and who will i go to? master fu's..."

her once joyful eyes became full of sadness at the mention of the old guardian's name.

"i miss him. a lot. he was... someone i never had to lie to about anything. i can't do that with anyone anymore," ladybug frowned.

"well, maybe this could be a change? if we revealed our identities to each other, you could tell me everything if you knew who i was. you could text me anytime of the day," i adjusted my body to face her, my arm holding my head up. 

ladybug groaned, pulling her head in her hands, "why is it that you have the best reasons for the dumbest things?" 

"revealing our identities is dumb? m'lady, i'm hurt," i placed a gloved hand across my heart and another on my forehead, leaning back dramatically. 

"silly kitty," she chuckled, flicking my bell. 

i stared at the now-dark sky before responding, "so... is that a yes?" 

"...i suppose," 

i sat straight up, "really? is this a joke? am i dreaming? pinch me!" 

"no, you aren't dreaming. but maybe we should go a bit more...private?" 

"what are you suggesting, m'lady?" i smirked, watching as her face turned a bright red. 

"chat noir! i...i didn't mean! it's not...! ugh, mangy, stupid-"

"okay! okay! i was kidding! c'mon, let's go inside already,"

ladybug rolled her eyes in a playful manner as i stood up, offering her a hand. 

she took it gracefully as i pulled her inside the building and into a more secluded area of the room. 

"chat noir, i'm scared," ladybug whispered. 


"i'm scared that... you'll only like me the way that you do while i'm ladybug. what happens when i'm just plain-old me?" 

"m'lady, i'll love you for whoever you are, whether that be inside or outside the mask. chat's honor," 


"of course, bugaboo," 

as much as i tried to play it off, i was nervous. i couldn't stop my heart from racing. everything was going a hundred miles and hour and i was still at start, watching as my ride drove away. 

"a...alright. i...i think i'm ready. c...can we do it together?" 

"together forever, m'lady," 

her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth opened to call off her transformation. 



"detransform me!" 


hi everyone from tik tok, or if you aren't. i hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully there will be many more to come. just a quick side note, in the original french version of the show, the transformation is "tikki, transformez-moi" or "tikki, transform me" in english, so i'm using the french version before any of you call me out. also, don't be afraid to call me out on any spelling mistakes or just mistakes in general. thanks!

also, feel free to comment your thoughts and if one of you wants to make me a cover bc i suck at those PLS

if you want to contact me my insta is @farrypotter1 and my tik tok is @farrypotter123 :)

à bientôt!

scribbles of loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon