it was always the girl behind me

22 2 1

"chat noir, please don't open your eyes," 

i hadn't even realized my eyes had closed. 

"m'lady, give me your hands," 

i could feel her fumbling to find my clawed hands. when she found them, i could feel her shaking. 

her hands gripped mine tightly, "i've been hiding my feelings for you. i like you. a lot.

before i could even stammer, she kissed me full on the lips.

"even without the mask?" i mumbled into her lips, feeling a blush spread across my cheeks. 

ladybug pulled away, our foreheads touching. 

"even without the mask. promise you won't be disappointed when you open your eyes?" 


she took a deep breath, "i'm going to open them."

"can i kiss you again first?" 

ladybug giggled, "then you open your eyes first, silly kitty." 

and i did. 

gorgeous blue eyes stared into mine. her hair, her face...

it all made sense. 

"marinette," i whispered, bringing my hand to stroke her cheek with my thumb.   

"adrien," she gave my a dreamy look before her eyes widened, "wait you're... and he's...and i..."

marinette jumped back and buried her face in her hands. 

"what? what's wrong, m'l...marinette?" 



i approached her carefully. 


she mumbled something under her breath. 


"i've had a crush on your civilian form since the beginning of lycée and on chat noir since the beginning of this year and for months i've been so confused on who to chose, and now i find out that you're the same person? and i'm overwhelmed, and i don't... i can't..." marinette blurted. 

she...ladybug...had a crush on me as adrien? 

i grasped her hands once more, staring at her with pure admiration. 

"i care for you a lot, m'lady. you being marinette is just an added bonus," 

"...really? you mean it?" 

"of course," 

"i do too. care for you, i mean," 

"does this mean i can kiss you again?" 

marinette blushed, "...yes." 

using my fingers to tilt her chin up, i stared at her stunning features. 

god, she was pretty. 

i pressed my lips against hers tenderly. this kiss held more feeling, more passion, more...well, everything. 

"will you be my lady?" 

marinette let out a small laugh, "if you'll be my chaton, then yes." 

i placed a small kiss on her forehead before pulling her out of the building. 

"it's getting dark, chaton," she mumbled sleepily into my chest. 

i wrapped my arms around her and sighed in contempt. 

my life finally felt... full. it was exhilarating. 

"it's almost ten, darling," 


"well i can't exactly call you m'lady in front of other people... and you are my darling," 

her rosy lips turned up in a smile, "so am i supposed to call you mon cher now?" 

"i would love you forever if you did,"

"you'd better," 

"i do. i do love you," 

marinette blushed again, "i love you too." 

we held hands and walked towards her house. 

"see you tomorrow in school?" i asked as she walked towards her door. 

"maybe i can convince alya to switch places with me? so we can sit together," 

"perfect. i'll see you tomorrow, darling," 

"bye," marinette kissed me on the cheek before going inside. 

little did i know that i would not be seeing her tomorrow... 

A/N: sorry this chapter took so short! i was out of ideas and wasn't very sure where to go with this, but i'm good now :). i'm not sure abt the update schedule, but i'm going to try every two days in the evening (CST time). hopefully it all works out okay. don't be afraid to comment, vote, or follow me. thanks so much!

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