where are you?

16 1 0

"good morning, darling. how did you sleep?"

i had sent marinette a message this morning, and it was nearing the end of school. she still hadn't seen it, or shown up to school for that matter. 

i was worried to say the least. 

"hey, alya? has marinette responded to your messages this morning?" i turned in my seat, facing the girl. 

"actually, no. why, is something wrong?" she frowned, checking her phone. 

"no, no. just worried, i suppose,"

nino shot me a glance, "she's always late, but not this late." 

my phone buzzed with a message.

from marinette. 

i sighed in relief, reading the message. 

"sorry, chaton. i got sick :(. drop off my homework for me? "

"of course, m'lady. get better soon." 

"marinette's just sick. i'll drop off her homework later," i told alya. 

"o....kay? are you guys...friends?" 

"yeah? why wouldn't we be?" 

"you dudes just didn't seem very close, that's all," nino answered.


"don't take it personally, adrien. you jut said it yourself, you two are friends now. i'm glad," alya smiled, patting my shoulder. 

but she was right. how often had i thought about marinette before i knew she was ladybug?

obviously, i loved her as ladybug and marinette, i just always...thought of her as a friend.

well she's more than that. a lot more than that. 

she's my life, my air, my universe. 

and i love her. 

"yeah, i get it. i'm just glad that we're close now," 

"same. that girl has been dying to get your attention for years. i amazed she had the confidence to become closer," alya grinned. 

am i really that dense? 

i chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment. 

the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. 

i grabbed everything marinette missed and texted my driver not to pick me up.

over the past couple of years, my father seemed to have forgotten about me. i no longer had to attend photoshoots 24/7, and had free reign over my schedule. 

it was...pretty great, actually. 

and a little sad at the same time. 

i walked towards the tom & sabine boulangerie patisserie and knocked on the door. 

when nobody answered, i called marinette. 

"hello?" she mumbled out a response.

"your daily delievery of food, homework, kisses, and cuddles have arrived. unfortunately, your front door is locked, and i'm not sure how to enter," 

"balcony," marinette groaned, ending the call. 

she must be really sick...

hiding in the alleyway by the boulangerie patisserie, i transformed, leaping onto marinette's balcony with my baton. 

"darling? are you okay?" i knocked on the entrance. 

"come in," 

i pulled the hatch open to see a dying marinette on the bed.

"oh god, marinette, what happened to you!"


i immediately de-transformed. 

"hey! why did you even transform in the first place if you didn't need me for more than two seconds!" plagg crossed his tiny arms and scowled. 

"can't you see that marinette's sick?" 

"yes, and i'm starving," 

"c'mon, plagg. we can get cheese and bread from the bakery downstairs," tikki's usually chipper voice sounded tired. 

they phased through the floor and left us alone. 

"he's right you know," marinette smiled slightly. 

"it was your idea," i motioned for marinette to move over so i could cuddle with her. 

"adrien, you're going to get sick," she rolled her eyes as i crawled in the bed with her.

"i'd rather be sick than not be with you,"

i watched as her cheeks turned pink. 

"i'm all gross right now. you were only supposed to drop off homework and then leave," 

i shrugged kissing marinette right on the lips. 

"a...adrien! now you're going to get sick too!" 

"well then we'll be sick together. together forever, right?" 

she chuckled, moving into my lap and leaning on my chest. 

"you're so warm," 

"are you cold?" 

marinette nodded, yawning loudly. 

i pulled the blanket over her body and let her fall asleep on me. 

"i love you," i lightly pressed my lips to her feverish forehead and watched as she fell asleep. 

A/N: hello everyone! i managed to finish this chapter early, but i'm not quite sure where i want to go with this story. i'll definitely let you guys know if i have to ditch this story bc ik how it feels when the author hasn't posted since like 2015 LMAO. 

as always, don't forget to follow so you don't miss a new chapter! feel free to vote and comment too!

au revoir :)

scribbles of loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora