Chapter 4

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"Are you always a klutz and accident prone or is it just because of me ? I hope it's the latter."

Mystified and amused both at once, Nick gazed down at the girl in amazement, nonplussed for once. Although instantly concerned, he scooped her up, bridal style in his tanned, muscled arms with ease and deposited her on the bed meticulously.

Reliving previous days events predicaments. Nick rehashed to when he had been pulled over at one of the checkpoints by one of the cops and while the guy had been checking his car registration documents the man had noticed something behind him and nodded in the direction of the backseat.

With shocked surprise, Nick had turned to look over at the girl who had been blacked out, reclining comfortably at his backseat, with his jacket covering her upper body including her face. Speechless, he had quickly made excuses of his girlfriend being tired of the long journey and that she needed the rest, he remembered informing the cop all that while completely masking his face for reactions, not revealing his inner turmoil and being expressionless, as if it was a completely normal occurrence to have his girlfriend at the backseat deeply asleep.

Hence, while driving away after being cleared, he glanced at her face through the rear view mirror, noted how innocently pretty she looked asleep, in contrast to when he had previously collided with her while she was riding her bicycle, on his way to the hospital when the twins were born. They did have a bit of a mishap, the collision had made the bicycle hit the pavement, taking her down with it. He smiled, remembering the incident and their heated argument. She was the only girl he ever encountered, that stood up to him and didn't bat her eyelashes at, or flirted and if he had to be honest, it was quite revivifying for a change.

Nick mentally shook his head, bringing himself back to present, retracted from his thoughts and focused his undivided attention on her.

The way she was glaring at him with anger and with a hint of embarrassment.

" You still haven't answered my question." She muttered." Deliberately ignoring his earlier statement.

" And what question would that be ?" Nick asked ruefully.

" How did I end up in bed with you?"

" Oh you mean after unconsciously hijacking my car, " he told her smugly. "I carried you to bed but then you dragged me with you and refused to release me at all ." Nick made up a face pretending to be an innocent victim. To his amazement, he noticed her cheeks flushed crimson.

Well well well ! So she blushes. His fiery temptress. Wait no. This fiery temptress. Definitely not mine.

" Did something happen last night between us , I mean it's not that I have to confirm with you what I already know. Ok . Drat it. I need to know. Tell me anyway ." She stared at him imploringly.

Nick was astonished, he could read Janes' expressive face easily as her thoughts were so transparent to him and right now she wanted him to confirm or deny that anything happened, he didn't feel like teasing her or to embarrass her further.

" No, nothing happened last night, we just spent the night sleeping, though you did eventually force me into cuddling with you, " he couldn't help but tease her a little bit.

" I did no such thing," she replied primly.To which he ended up laughing out loud.

" I'm Nicholas Fortune, now that we have already cuddled and spent the whole night together and all , do I get the courtesy of getting your name, pretty girl? " He teasingly ribbed her. Wanting to put a name to her face quite desperately to his annoyance.

Apparently his name didn't mean a thing to her as she showed no signs or any reaction to his mentioned name , no recognition either on her face. Nick wasn't sure if he was pleased by that fact or more bothered.

There was something about her that attracted his attention. Those puppy brown eyes of hers beguiled him to forget everything else and that silky golden strands of her striking hair were an invitation to run his fingers through , overall she was exquisite with lush curves in all the right places.

" It's Jane." She offered with a small embarrassed smile. She had an alluring smile, lighting up her face, making her look so enticing .

" Tell me Jane, how did manage to get inside my car in the first place, " Nick asked, finally attempting to decipher his unspoken initial question .

" You are probably not gonna believe me when I tell you that I was being pursued by a few men, three to be exact. They chased me into the forest but somehow through diversion I got away but I would've got caught again anyway at the service station, if not for your presence, thankfully your car was unlocked, so I crept inside. Unbeknownst to you, you did kinda save my life. So thank you for getting me
away." Jane replied sincerely, for once truly grateful.

"That escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive, however, assuming that the guys beside the blue battered vehicle were your pursuers." Nick replied , feeling anger building up inside him thinking of the consequential outcome if he were not there.

"Was it those four guys I saw back there? " He asked Jane.

" I'm pretty sure I saw three men altogether, they were creepy drunks," Jane replied not quite able to avoid, conceal the shiver that passed through her just thinking about them.

Nick noticed her trembling in fear, without bothering on pointing that out. But she had to know of the danger she almost skedaddled from.

" Presumably the other man would most certainly be waiting for the remaining men, after all the get away vehicle was nearby with the driver."


Meanwhile, faraway, on the other side of the area. A man stood tall, facing the skyline from the glass windows in his tower building with a cell phone pressed to his ear barking orders to his subordinates and cut the call, waiting for response from his other men.

A moment later, there was knock at his office door. He bid them to come in with an apparent bark in his tone. In a single line , four men entered with their heads faced down in fear , slightly trembling in dread.

"Where is she ?" The man commanded authoritatively without even bothering to turn. " I said where the hell is she ?" Turning around , he lashed out at them, while they remained silent , hesitating, with heads bowed down not quite daring to face him. To an observer, it would seem like they were standing in the school principals office for doing something wrong, waiting for punishment.

" She escaped Sir. We lost her in the woods," One of the men mustered up courage enough to reply.

"Four men against one chit of a girl and yet she still managed to thwart you all?" He asked in a menacing tone, staring down at them in disbelief. Not awaiting reply, he commanded them.

" Find her."

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