Chapter 7

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Her eyes widened in recognition, Jane felt her mouth drop open.

"You! It really is you, what are you doing here?" Jane clamped her mouth shut, pressing her lips together.

"Hello Jane Jensen, and yes it's nice to see you too again. Thought you'd never see me again, now did you?" He replied back in a sarcastic tone as usual. She suddenly realized that she had missed him a great deal.

She laughed out loud, throwing herself into his wide spread arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, leaving him with no option other than to pick her up, spinning around with her in his arms. Laughter engulfing them both.

"Oh Adam, it's so good to have you back here. Where were you gone? Its been forever since I saw you last I guess."

"Yeah, it feels good to be back home." Adam replied releasing her, finally putting her back on her feet.

"Girls, this is Adam my ex best friend from high school." Jane introduced them, also as an explanation when she noticed Lily's shiny eyes darken with green eyed jealousy. Looks like somebody is smitten.

"Excuse me, but did I just hear you say your Ex best friend?" Adam asked emphasizing on the word Ex, with astonishment.

"Well yeah you lost that entitlement when you disappeared without a word to your friends. Buddy you have loads to make up for." Jane pointed out staring at Adam with a stern expression, indicating that this conversation was long overdue needing settling between them later.

"Adam, these two here are my newly acquired friends, you've met Lily and this is Rachel." Gesturing towards the girls.

"Hi Adam, it's nice to meet you," said Rachel with a shy smile, feeling intimidated by Adam's muscular body. Contrary to Lily, as she seemed fascinated with Adam, gazing at him with star struck eyes.

"Likewise, any friend of Jane's are also friends of mine." Adam replied with a wide smile. Shifting his attention from Jane to face her friends.

"Uhmm it's really nice to know any girlfriends of Jane's will be welcome to become your girlfriend as well," Lily flirted, her tongue in cheek. Taking a step closer towards Adam, crowding his personal space. Good lord she's at it again!

With an awkward smile, Adam looked between all three girls, his gaze lingering a moment longer on Lily and replied while gesturing towards the entrance.

"How about I see you all after my shift ends in an hour. Have fun girls. I'll join you guys later. Yeah."

"Okay fine, but if I don't see you inside after an hour, just know that I'll be coming for you Mister," Jane informed him over her shoulder while walking inside the club dragging her friends with her as they suddenly seemed to have concurred a difficulty not able to make a move of their own accord.

"Oh My God! That guy is so hot. Seriously it should be a sin to be that gorgeous. I can't believe he's your friend. That is exactly what I imagined my ideal man would look like." Lily started gushing as soon as they were inside, away from anyone's hearing distance.
She twirled her brown shaded hair. Her mini shiny silver dress reflecting the clubs multi colored lights of her surrounding, it seemed to wrap perfectly around her figure like a second skin. However, if compared then the best dresser from amongst them was Rachel, Jane had admired how modestly dressed she would always be, not too slutty and nothing too decent. She was always perfectly dressed with everything in order. Not even a strand of hair could be seen out of place from the favorite chignon bun she favored mostly and preferred as a perfect hairstyle for most occasions.

"Believe it, and just so you know it was a purely platonic relationship.You have my permission to act on those feelings you got there." She teased Lily in revelation of her knowledge to her inner feelings.

Captured By HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora