A look at my Mid-Life Crisis (25 to 27)

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So, during this time, early signs are of things becoming mundane.

Wake up every morning, snooze the alarm till I'm close to being late for work.

Bath for as long as possible so that I am late.

Rush to work and dread being late.

Make it to work,

Do work things,

Look forward to home time,

But then realize that it means tomorrow will be another workday.

Get home,

Look at the time,

Get into home clothes,

Watch a few videos,


Look at the time,

Get ready for bed,

And repeat.

At first, you look forward to weekends,

But it costs money to do things you want to,

But you need to save and you do try to save,

But end up spending the money you didn't want to spend on things you don't need or really want.

This Frustrates you.

But you learn from your mistake,

The mistake is that you believe you are good with money,

Because you've repeated the same mistake every month.

Friendships are up and down,

The ones you want are busy and you kinda see each other less.

Make peace and look for new ones,

But you don't really get out much and aren't as good as you used to be at talking to strangers.

And the year is about to end,

People are making New year resolutions,

But you don't because you haven't finished the last 5 years resolutions.

And as the year begins you look at it and ask yourself:

"I have to go through all of this again?"

So you ask those older than you:

"When will I be on top of my mind and emotions and this life thing?"

To which they reply with a smile: "You never are."

Which would comfort most people,

But you who calculates everything realize that 80 more years of this

Or better yet, 29200 days more.

So, you make peace and plan to do things to spice up the mundane,

Which you never get around to doing because you are for the most part lazy and broke,

Or you have no one to do new things with.

Then to top it all off

The world gets a pandemic (Perfect timing).

So now the chance of meeting new people decreased even more,

But don't you worry. Distractions tend to be there for the rescue

And because you are probably going through a mid-life crisis

You say YOLO.

Knowing full well that you will regret it in the end.

Fast forward.

You are still where you started,

Just now you have emotional and mental hurts from that distraction

And it pulled you away from the friends you were seeing less of anyway.

So, now you are even further away from your goal

Or what you think you needed to make you happy.

Don't forget, there's still a pandemic

And you have a nasal drip which is very consistent

So a month of physical ailment mixed with emotional pain,

Financial stress and relational issues.

And the distractions aren't helping the way they used to.

Don't forget about the anxiety that you dealt with a few years ago

Returns and it's the kind that makes it harder to breathe

And your mind uses this opportunity to make you think it's corona

So now you spend money treating something that isn't there but it feels like it's there.

And as soon as you start feeling better, bam.

Nasal drip says "Hello, old friend."

So focused on the negatives that you forget about the good things.

You realize this so you start trying to think of the good things

And it works and you are consistent at being inconsistent

So it doesn't last, does it ever?

But you reassure yourself that this is just a mid-life crisis

Thanks to your google search.

So just wait it out because things will get better.

If only someone told me about this before it happened.

This is me going through a Mid-Life crisis.

A look at my Mid-Life Crisis ( 25 to 27)Where stories live. Discover now