Chapter Ten

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Isaac Whitaker


I would say, out of all the words I know, that is the most accurate way to describe how I am feeling right about now. Instead of making it any better, my sleep has made it ten times worse, meaning all of the bruises are now bright purple, healing faster than a human's would, and more painful to the touch.

My head is... honestly mostly unnoticeable, for the most part. It's just where those fuckers kicked me that's filled with pain. So, only my whole chest and back; nothing much.

Despite all of that, I sit up and I start to get out of bed. I'm only wearing shorts, which I don't bother to change knowing there's no point; I'll just be back to bed within long. All I want is a morning with the hottest guy in the world, and I want to experience his cooking.

Sorry, I want to criticise his cooking so I have an excuse to teach him.

It's early enough that I don't particularly see anyone in the hall. Just one pack warrior passes me and asks if I'm okay, but leaves as soon as I assure him that I just need to speak with Jer—I must sound legit enough that he believes me. When I walk into Keegan's suite, I'm surprised to be met by the smell of food... already.

My nose leads me through the room to the kitchen, where I completely stop in the doorway. Keegan is stood next to the oven shirtless as steam—or smoke—rises from a sizzling pan. Two plates sit on his island, waiting for us. I notice some ingredients left out on the counter and my mouth immediately waters.

I know this recipe that he's cooking—it's his mother's recipe.

Keegan notices me and he instantly leaves the pan to get to me. I hold still until he's a couple of feet away then smile at him. "That smells fucking amazing," I tell him, nodding to the stove. He looks me up and down, though not for the reason I want him to. "I'm fine. They hurt a little, but I'm working through it. I'm hungrier than I am in pain."

"Somehow, I don't believe you," Keegan mutters but walks back to the oven anyway.

I ease into the island stool while he isn't looking so he can't catch me out on my lie. He juggles around the pan before plating the contents right in front of me. He's close, so I look up at his face and he avoids looking down at me.

By the time he's sat beside me, the hunger really has set in, so I'm quickly eating the meal. It's amazing, absolutely amazing, but it's hard to mess up Mrs Hill's recipe. That woman is a queen and I will never think badly of her, I don't care what's said.

After a moment, I catch Keegan looking at me, only he doesn't turn away this time. He holds it, his jaw strangely clenched. I just hold it in return, because any excuse to stare at Keegan, I'll take.

Finally, he says, "Did you like it?"

I grin. "Of course. I'm very impressed with you."

He starts to blush. "Good, I'm glad. Are you sure you're not in any pain or anything?" I shake my head. He hesitates for a long, long time after that. I see it in his face that whatever he wants to say he isn't saying, and I watch the mental debate play out right in front of my eyes. He doesn't keep our gaze when he speaks next, and it's no wonder. "Why did you stay yesterday?"

Something about that question makes my anguished stomach flutter, erasing all of the pain for just that one moment of peace. Maybe this is the moment.

"When you say stay, do you mean why did I let you cuddle me?" He blushes, hard, and doesn't reply. I take that as a yes. I smile comfortingly at him, placing my hand on the counter between us. He can take it if he wants to; if he isn't ready then he doesn't have to. "Because I'm totally into you, Alpha."

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