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One: Romeo and Juliet


MY fingers travelled over the worn pages of the tragic romance novel, Romeo and Juliet. I'd always wished for my Romeo or my Juliet, not because I didn't think of myself good enough to be either, but because I found myself attracted to both male and female. In the past I'd had a few boyfriends, but non serious, since my young body could hardly handle a hug from the opposite gender without being completely an utterly grossed out. My first kiss was a female, she was a few years older than me, but even then, that wasn't what made me realise my attraction to the same gender. What made me realise was Juliet's words from the stupid romance that I held within my hands.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite." My words spoke quietly as I quoted Juliet's words from the disastrous story that I held within my grasp.

I had been sat in deep dejection, the thought of the innocent people having to leave the prison was depressing. Although I never worked up the courage to enter the large place and introduce myself, I still felt for the families that found shelter in the gloomy place. What once kept monsters in, now keeps them out. Or it did, before it was attacked. I had stayed in the comfort of my own home, but every once and a while, I found myself venturing outside the prison. I'd always wanted to go inside, maybe even stay with the people that claimed it as their home, but I was scared that maybe the people that lived their, were not what they seemed, and maybe the prison still kept the monsters in.

The novel, that was once in my hand, had been placed on the bed beside me. My eyes had become droopy due to the change in light and the many sleepless nights. The sun had begun to set so I had decided to lay my back on the bed that I call my own. Before the world had been taken over by the deceased, I had been a bit of a tomboy. I played football and videogames like a boy once would have. I had a very boyish style bedroom, as much as that sound very stereotypical of me to say, every time my father introduced a new 'girlfriend', they would often ask if I was transgender or if I were in my, non-existent, brothers bedroom.

Slowly, I fell into, what could be called, a peaceful sleep (however peaceful could be in a world with walking dead).



"Do you ever think about anyone but yourself?!" My father screamed, his hands wrapped  around the collar of my pink shirt, his words triggered more memories. "You do this for what?!" He questioned, grabbing my by my bony wrist and pulling my sleeve up.

"I'm sorry." My voice was barley audible, the fear working it's way up my throat as I let out a sob. Tears rolled down my cheek as he squeezed my wrist tighter, causing me to cringe at the slight stinging.

"Sorry my ass! You ain't sorry!" He continued to shout as he pushed me against hall way wall. "Get to ya room! I don' wanna see your face until you apologize like you mean it!" His screaming became so loud that I flinched, normally when he became like this, he would scream and then hit me, but this time there was nothing physical. My almost tripped over as I ran towards the stairs, my bare feet stomping the wooden floors as I continued to sob.



A cold, metal like object placed on side of my head, awoke me from, what felt like, a never ending nightmare. "Who are you?" A soft, almost nearing deep, voice asked.  I almost felt relieved at the sound of another person, threatening or not, I knew that I wasn't the only breathing person to walk the earth. Obviously I knew that someone had to be in a living state because, what God would spare the life of one fourteen year old girl, but give her the option of 'opting out'? Sometimes there would be certain moments were I  felt as though I had fallen into such a deep pit of despair, that suicide had became my only option, as dramatic as it may sound.

My thirst, my hunger, it had caused my, once open, eyes to slowly shut. My eyelids gave in and I fell into a deep unconscious like state, before the figure next to me could even think about shooting me.

But maybe, they didn't want to shoot me at all. Maybe this person needed as much help as I did. Because in reality, the world had ended. It was the end of our world.



Hello there fellow losers.
I basically uploaded this and then thought about how much I hate it overnight, so I kinda edited it but changed the whole end of it. Anyways, I've made Lauren a Bi Con (much like myself) because not only does it make me relate to her but I don't see many TWD/Carl grimes fanfics that make their OC question their sexuality.

Anyways, I realise how upset I am about not being able to write her and Beth's relationship because I feel as though they would have gotten along so well.

I know this chapter is short, it was kinda just here to give you an idea of Lauren's personality. I've made Romeo + Juliet her favourite book because it's my favourite film (I'm a lover for romance) but I also understand how she feels about Juliet because, my god are her words so...beautiful?

Anyways, sorry to Bore you with this completely pointless AN. If your reading this, I appreciate you and you are loved.

- Star

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