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Two: Silent


MY hands stroked the soft fabric of my sheriff hat, in a calming like manner as I watched the girl in front of me. Her wavy blonde hair hung behind her her shoulders, her back leant against the hard wooden legs of the table, her hands fell to the side, almost as if she would pick her weapons up at any moment.

My father's heavy breathing and the blondes soft snoring kept the moment from being silent. In an attempt to wake both my father and the girl from their unconscious states, the odd cough or the shutting of a book could be heard.

As much as the thought of keeping my mind on the comic, that I held in my left hand, sounded oddly nice, I couldn't help but wonder what caused the many scars that decorated themselves on the girls body. Starting with the one that caused her to look as though she had an eyebrow slit. Then there were the many that horizontally worked their way up the girl forearm. Even without words she told many story's, and for some odd reason, it completely fascinated me.

Her fluttering eyelids began to open at the soft sun that shone through the windows, her eyes eventually met mine after she took a look around the room, she moved her body back but didn't go anywhere due to the fact her back was against a wooden table.

"Who are you?" She sounded as though she hadn't spoke in years, her throat was scratchy as her words came out. Blue eyes stared back into mine, the thought of telling her who I am hovered in my mind. "I'm Carl." My voice was soft, never had I ever been so intrigued by a girl. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"That's what everyone says." She chuckled, leaning her head back against the table, her blonde hair, once again, falling down her back. "Take what you want." Her voice was more like a whisper. When she noticed I hadn't bothered to move, she sighed. "What do you want?" She sounded hurt, as though something very bad had happened to her.

"To stay." My voice replied, simply. "Romeo and Juliet?" The book that sat next to me on the floor had made an appearance in our 'conversation'. Her deep blue eyes widened as I picked the tragic romance novel up, holding it within my right hands grasp.

"Have you read it?" She had become intrigued by the subject. Her legs were now crossed and her body was moved forward. I had shook my head in answer, "But my mom used to tease my dad with a quote from it I think."

"Um, if we wanna speak, we should go upstairs. We'll wake him." She pointed towards the couch that blocked the door. I shook my head, "He's in a coma-like sleep, he won't wake up."

"Oh. Um, do you like comics?" She asked hesitantly.

My eyes brightened and I nodded in answer, "Yeah, they're better than books."

She scoffed, "No, they're not. Come on there's some in my bedroom." She picked her body up, walking towards the stairs with me on her tail. "I'm not like everyone." My voice slipped out, causing her to look my way once we made it to the top.

"What do you mean?"

"Just a minute ago, you said 'that's what everyone says', I'm not everyone." I felt almost hurt that such an innocent person, with scars that held stories, could think of me like everyone.

"I just meant everyone I've come across is a bad person, It was just instinct to think you were the same." I could tell her heart felt heavy, maybe she had been through something bad too.

3rd Person

THE two sat peacefully in the blondes room, book and comics in their hands. Lauren's legs were up, the book, Alice and Wonderland, resting on her knees. Carl on the other hand, had his feet handing off of the bed, his comic resting on his upper thigh as he read.

The quiet was calming, but Lauren found herself becoming stressed with the silence. She thought of sentences she would say to her friends, from before the end of the world, but decided non of them were appropriate to discuss with a stranger, even if she did find herself trusting Carl for no-particular reason.

"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality." Her angelic voice could send the boy into a peaceful sleep, she was soft, so calming.

"Huh?" He replied, his eyes leaving the pages that her read, now focused on the girl as she continued to read.

"That's my favourite quote so far, it just makes so much sense, in the most confusing way possible."

The brunette boy chuckled lightly. The words she spoke were so perfect, they told stories, yet Carl had no idea what in the world what she was talking about.

"I'm guessing you haven't read this either?" She questioned, a small smile forming on her face before looking up to meet the boys blue eyes.

The simple shake of his head made Lauren want to tell him so many stories of how a page covered in words could express so many feelings. "Alice and wonderland?"

He gave a her a questioning look. Even though the girl intrigued Carl very much, she still left him completely baffled with the talk of books.

"The mad hatter?" Still, the boy held a confused look. "Chesire Ca- don't worry." She shook her head, her smile beginning to grow as the brunette continued to give her a confused look.

Carl's boot hit the floor, causing Lauren's head to shoot up at the sound, "Where are you going?"

The brunette softly smiled, "Just gonna see if my dads okay." The blonde nodded before looking back down to the book rested on her knees.


I literally have no idea why this chapter took me so long to write, because it absolute crap. I thought about rewriting it but I'm just gonna post it and get on with the next chapter.

Fun fact: I haven't peed in 6 hours :)

Anyways, these AN are boring and pointless but I feel like this story needs to be spiced up a little so...


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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