Chapter 6

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At home I put on a sweater and some jeans, then I ask Mom if she can drop me off at the ice rink since she’s taking a break.

“Sure, honey. But once this resort gets going I’ll have to get you a car.” Mom nods, and an hour later I arrive, and I meet Bethany and Mira at the front doors.

“Hi!” Mira waves.

“Hello!” I run to them. “Ready to skate?”

“Of course I am!” Bethany hugs her pristine white ice skates. “Lets go in!”

I rent a pair of ice skates and lace them up, then join Mira and Bethany on the rink. I haven’t been skating for quite a while, though, so I slip when I glide on. Bethany catches me before I fall.

“Have you ice-skated before?” She asks doubtedly.

“Yes, about a year and a half ago.” I mumble.

“Well, you’ll learn quickly. It should be easy if you’re such a good runner.” Mira skates by, and pushes of the ground twirling in the air, and landing on her skates.

“Woah.” My mouth drops open.

“I’ve been training for the Olympics.” Mira shrugs. “Ooh, cute skating guy!” She skates away.

“Well, then, I guess its just us.” Bethany sighs and smiles. “Mira is totally despo for a boyfriend.”

“Why?” I ask.

“She seems to have all these insecurities when she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Shes like ‘I’ll never get a boyfriend since I’m so fat.’ and then the next day she says ‘Its no wonder Garrett asked me out! I’m so skinny!’”

“Sounds confusing.”

“I know, right! Her and Garrett are always on and off. But he’s a jerk.” Bethany whispers in my ear. “Mira breaks up with him and then Garrett asks her out again. Repeat for the rest of high school.”

“Yikes.” I shrug.

“I know, right? She actually got pregnant once, but she lost it after one and a half months. The minute Garrett found out he announced a ‘Just Because’ party. I mean, when she lost it. The baby, not her sanity. And not to make her feel better, she wasn’t even invited! Now then, lets skate!”

“Ok!” Bethany helps me skate and we slide around on the ice, and eventually I get the hang of it.

“I’m hungry. Lets go get some snacks.” I say, as I feel my belly growl.

“Good idea.” Mira nods.

We unlace our skates and stash them on a bench, while we wait in line. I feel something tap on my shoulder, and I turn around.

“Jayce! Why are you here?” I ask, grinning.

“I coach a pee-wee hockey team, so I basically get to come here for free.” He shrugs.

“Thats pretty cool.” I nod. “I used to be an after school counselor, but then, I moved, as you know.”

“Thats cool. You like kids?” He asks.

“Who couldn’t? They’re adorable, little, fun, mischievous.” I snort.

“Yeah, who couldn’t love a two year old drawing on the wall.” Jayce smiles.

“The last day in my old house I drew a smiley face on the wall.” I smirk.

“No way!” Jayce laughs.

“Yeah. I did not want to leave.” I shake my head. “I’d just became popular!”

“Well, if you hadn’t left, you wouldn’t have met me.”

“Yeah, your right. Maybe this move was for the best if Lakeesha beats me up everyday and my Mom is busy 24/7.” I shrug.

“Yeah, small town life is really the life, isn’t it?” Jayce shrugs, then we get to the front of the line. I order a hot cocoa and nachos. Jayce orders a hot cocoa and a slice of pizza.

We eat on a bench, while Bethany and Mira spy on us through a plastic potted plant. We chat a little bit.

“Hey, want to go outside?” Jayce asks.

“Sure.” I shrug. “I’m probably done skating for tonight anyways.”

We go to the side of the building, and then after he does a sweep around to see if Bethany and Mira are there, his full attention is on me.

“You’re a vampire.” Jayce says first. I snicker.

“Sorry, what was that?” I ask.

“You’re a vampire.” Jayce says.

“Okay, Jayce, you realize theres no such thing as vampires, right?” I snort, punching his shoulder lightly.

“There is. I’m serious.” He raises his eyebrows. “You’re one of them.”

“And if vampires were real, how would you know I’d be one?”

“You knew what the pain was like. You drank vampire blood. You’re the fastest girl on the track team.”

“You aren’t making any sense. Theres no such thing as vampires. You’re crazy.” I turn around and start to speed walk away.

Then Jayce appears in front of me.

“If I was crazy, would I be able to do this?” Jayce bared razor-sharp fangs, and he grabbed my arm and bit into me. The pain was unbearable.


I startle awake, and then I remember last night. I left at about 10:00. Bethany and Mira dropped me off. I went to sleep right away. There was no Jayce at the rink. He was probably studying for that Poetry Terms test in English.

Well, time to go to school. We all love being beat up by Lakeesha.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Where stories live. Discover now