Chapter 9

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Me and Dad talk for a bit, then Mom butted in *coughrudelycough* and said I need to get my rest. But when the lights were turned out my head couldn’t start to even comprehend that I am, or am going to, be a vampire. A blood-drinking monster.

I don’t want to kill. I don’t want to be a monster. I don’t want to be savage.

I softly cry myself to sleep.


In the morning, Doctor James comes in to check on me.

“You’ve made a quick recovery.” He says as he checks me over. “There may be a few tiny scars here and there, but otherwise everything else should heal just fine.”

“Thank you.” I nod, and give him a light smile.

“Its no problem, missie.”


They wheel me out in a wheelchair, and then I say goodbye to Dad and drive home with Mom.

“Hey, Mrs. Marson, can I catch a ride with you? I’m afraid I hitched a ride in the ambulance.” Jayce calls, running toward us as the car starts to go into gear.

“Of course, honey.” Mom rolls down the window and motions to the back seat. “Hop in.”

“Thanks.” Jayce nods. After we exit the campus and get on the road, Mom asks.

“Are you and Jayce dating?” Mom asks.

“Oh, uh,” I see Jayce scratch the back of his neck.

“Hey, lets listen to the radio!” I announce abruptly, and I unbuckle and lean forward to the radio. Its on Kiss 98.5.

“Honey, I’m trying to be a better listener like you asked me to.” Mom turns down the radio volume. I lean forward again and turn it back up, listening to a song about bass and not being a stick figure silicone barbie doll.

“I love this song!” I start having a mini dance party in the backseat.

“Honey, please.” Mom turns down the radio again.

“Fine, I’ll change it.” I groan, and tap the button to go to another radio station, and I hear another awesome song. “Woo!”

“Autumn!” Mom scolds, and stabs a button with her faux hot pink nails, which are supposed to be cool but ultimately not, and the radio turns off.

“Come on, that was my jam!” I whine.

“Are you two lovebirds dating or not?” Mom asks, tossing her long curly blonde hair, but you can tell it’s dyed because of the black at the roots.

“We aren’t lovebirds!” I protest.

“Well are you two a pair, then? You seemed worried when she was unconscious.” Mom glances back at Jayce.

“Holy shit Mom. why do you have to be awkward?” I demand, hunched over in my seat.

“I’m just trying to be cool.” Mom tries to remain calm.

“Gosh Mom, you are, like, forty. You aren’t cool!” I cross my arms.

“I can be too.” Mom tightens her grip on the wheel. “You shouldn’t be in a mood to criticize with your boyfriend around, Autumn.”

“I never said he was my boyfriend! Why the hell do you even give a shit, anyway? You’re always at the resort, no time to spend with the girl you gave birth to!” I scream.

“I told you, when the resort opens I’ll get more money to hire more people. I’ll have more time for you. We can go to London, even! We’ll go see Big Ben!” Mom tries to smile.

“Liar.” I whisper, and I lean against Jayce, putting my head on his shoulder.

“Its okay,” he whispers, when Mom turns on the radio. “I guess it’s tough finding out the truth.”

“Yeah, I mean, what are the odds?” A smile starts to play on my lips. Then I look up and see someone standing in the road.

“What the hell?” Mom shrieks, as she turns the wheel and we swerve, braking at the edge of a road, the front hood an inch away from a huge pine.

“Get down.” Jayce harshly whispers, and I unfasten my seatbelt as he pushes me onto the floor. “It’s Carlos!”

“Who’s that?” I ask, as the man who was standing in the road approaches us.

“Let’s just say we have a history.” Jayce clamps his hand over my mouth.

“Why were you standing in the road?!” Mom angrily demands.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t know you were there.” Carlos apologizes. “Is there an Autumn Marson in this vehicle?”

“Why the hell do you want to know?” Mom scolds. “You just put my life in danger! I could’ve been killed! You’re lucky you weren’t squashed.”

“Please, ma’am, I must know. I, uh, work with the FBI.”

“Then show me your badge.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have it on me, but I can assure I’m the real deal, I even have a gun somewhere, ah here we go.” I hear a click. “Is she in here or not?”

“Yes, she is!” Mom’s hands shoot up, and I hear her voice waver. “Please don’t shoot me.”

“Then please, give her this.” I hear a crackle of paper, as he slips it to her.

“Yes, I will.” Mom’s hands tremble.

“Good then, I will be leaving now.” I hear his boots slap the pavement and then treading through fall leaves into the forest.

I jerk up, despite Jayce’s hands trying to get me back down.

“Here’s that note.” Mom’s voice trembles, and presses the folded sheet into my palm. She starts the engine up again, and as we drive away, I open up the note.


Dear Autumn,

I’d like you to know that you aren’t in any danger. If you were, you would be dead by now. I’d just like you to know you’ll meet me again, on a night of music and snowflakes. Why? Because I know a few things about you nobody else does.

With best regards,



My body shivers all over, and I feel Jayce gently tug at it. I give it to him.

“Oh shit.” He curses under his breath.

“What?” I ask.

“I’ll explain later.” He frowns.

“Just text me, dude. It’s called technology.”



Jayce Louiston: K, Carlos is basically that guy who leads an entire vampire army.

Autumn Marson: So we’re basically living in Twilight?

Jayce Louiston: No, I don’t know why but he wants you.

Autumn Marson: *shudder* Why would anyone want me?

Jayce Louiston: Well, its not just to add a random undecided to his army, thats for sure.

Autumn Marson: Then why does he want me?

Jayce Louiston: IDK. Just keep ur eyes peeled.

Autumn Marson: KK, I will. Do you have any guesses, tho?

Jayce Louiston: WELL, I’m not sure.

Then I saw his phone all of a sudden start flashing and turn off. Crap, ran out of battery.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora