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A skill that some have and some don't. Some people are born charismatic or with a gift to make anyone and every one laugh, or maybe a common skill that people still find hot.

Popularity isn't just based on people with good looks; you could be a major hottie under all that skin but still, you're kicked to the curb. You don't always have to be rich, hot/pretty, or have the "it" factor. Sometimes popularity is based on you.

No not you, the person reading this awesome story. By "you" I mean the real us, not that pretentious show we put on for the world.

I used to be that nerd by the corner who'd get laughed at, humiliated, bullied, and made fun of. It got to an extent I (and my family) had to move to a new city.

Oceana Valley.

A new start guaranteed where I am: at the top of the A-list, the goddess who rules the school, the one and only Miss Popular.

Yes, after years of being a nerd I finally am the Queen Bee. And anyone who comes buzzing my way, trying to steal what I worked so hard for, will never be able to bring me down.

For like I said, I am the unstoppable Queen Bee.

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