Chapter 1

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A little girl sat crying on the rusty swing in the playground, cold and alone. Her brown hair, messy and full of sand from God knows where, rose and fell as the icy wind hit it. Her body froze as she heard footsteps coming her direction and little chatter that was most likely based on her. She was always the topic of those little evils who detested her with their black merciless hearts; what she ever did for them to despise her so much was still a mystery.

As she sat there, stiff to the bone, a certain voice was louder than the others. Immediately she heard her voice, the little girl jumped from the swing and ran; she had no idea where she was going but it was at least the opposite direction. Her pulse increased and it was as if her little heart had moved to her eardrums, beating as if life depended on it. Well, it actually did.

As she ran, the wind blew hard, this making her vision blurry. Out of nowhere, arms wrapped around her and lifted her petite figure and placed her over their broad shoulders. Now, her heart was beating like wild. She knew this wasn't her older brother, because though he had large biceps, he had never ever carried her.

Worry filled her frantic heart as the voice of her "protector" came to her.

"I've got her."

As soon as those words vanished into the atmosphere, she was thrown to the ground, and was pretty sure she heard one or two cracks.

A moss of black hair came into her view and a face found its way above her own pale, blood-drained face. She knew the owner of that face, someone who she always dreaded being with.

Her bully, Danielle Williams.

"Hello there Cammy," Her leg flew to the girl's sides and she groaned in anguish as the pain from her kick shot through her body.

More kicks, punches and slaps came as the girl lay there, suffering. Some of the other evils encouraged Danielle and others threw in some hits. Danielle didn't give the girl a second to breathe; slap after slap, kick after kick, and punch after punch, they came after the last like the speed of light. Nasty bruises formed on the little brunette's body, a couple of wounds as well. Pleads left her bleeding mouth but no one paid attention to them.

Eventually it was all over. But by that time, she was probably almost dead.

"I pray you die," Danielle spat before she left with her posse to attend to the cuts on her knuckles.

The girl was left there, half-alive and barely conscious.

"I pray I do too" she whispered before her whole world turned black

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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