↻. chapter three

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—“YOU'RE HERE TOO!?” Jake smiled and hugged the older and the older hugged him back
They now pulled away

"Why didn't you tell me you're here hyung"Jake pouts making the older smiled

"Well...I was distracted...?"Heeseung said

Jake chuckled but it didn't last long when he saw a boy beside Heeseung,He had a question look

"Uhmm mind telling me who's he?"Jake pointed at the boy,Making Heeseung gulped

"Oh!J-Jay meet Jake,He is my cousin,And Jake meet Jay my beloved and sweet Prince,And soon to be my King"Heeseung introduced,And winked at Jay,Jay was a blushing mess

Jake was pulling a disgust face

"Oh my gosh Hyung,Since when did you become so cheesy and emberassing?,Look you made your Prince vomit"Jake teased Heeseung

"Im not cheesy!"Heeseung said like he was emberassing

Jay and Jake could only laugh at the older's action

While Jake and Jay was laughing,The bell rang

"Oh shoot!See ya around Hyungs!"Jake shoute and waved while the 2 prince waved back went to their classroom's

Jake was roaming around the hallway,He thought that he knew where the english room is,but no,He didn't even ask Jungwon where the classrooms were

He sighed in disbelief and groaned

"Aishhh!"Jake frowned,But then A boy approached him

"Uhmm are you okay?Are you new here?"A Boy said

"O-oh well...Kind of...I just transfered here...So Im kinda lost"Jake gulped

"Oh!I can help you"The boy smiled,Making Jake smiled back

"Im Prince Sunoo Btw"Sunoo bowed

"Oh Im Prince Jake"Jake bowed back

Sunoo blinked a few times and realized who he was. "PRINCE JAKE!?"Sunoo exclaimed,Making the boy nod

"YOU MEAN YOUR THE SON OF THE SIM FAMILY!?"Sunoo widend his eyes

"Uhmm yes"Jake said


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