↻. chapter six

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—JUNGWON FROZE FROM HIS SPOT WHEN HE SAW THE PRINCE, He was really in shock,He really thought he was dreaming

"Prince L-Lee Geonu!?"Jungwon said,While Geonu smirks

Jungwon couldn't do anything,He really wants to dance with someone,But why Geonu?He was really scared if he danced wrong

"Its okay,Im not gonna be mad if you dance wrongly"Geonu smiled

Jungwon could only blush at what Geonu said,He sighed and smiled

He then lend his hand into Geonu's

Jungwon's soft hands was on Geonu's hand,That made Geonu smile

The two of them danced nicely

and now the eight prince's danced,All the people in the palace could only admire the Prince's

Jake saw Jungwon with Geonu,He smiled when he saw His friend dancing with a prince

The Beautiful night passed by all the Princesses and Prince's went to their Home

Jake went to his room and slept peacfully


Jake wakes up because of his maid

"You wouldn't want to be late at you're second day of school Prince"His maid said,That made Jake nod

And as usual He went to take a bath,and change and eat for breakfast

At school Jake could see Jungwon was waiting for him

"Finally!"Jungwon whined,Jake could only sigh

As they were walking,Jake smirked making Jungwon raised an eyebrow

"What?"Jungwon asked

"When I asked if you have gotten any man,What happened to "Correction Woman" huh?"Jake smirked

"What do you mean?"Jungwon asked

"Come onnnnnnn,You were dancing with Prince Geonu,while being a blushing mess!"Jake exclaimed

"Hey you were dancing with Prince Sunghoon!"Jungwon exclaimed back

"its just a simple dance,I wasn't like you,You were really red!And plus we just met"Jake said

"lets see about that"Jungwon rolled his eyes

"Lets see about what?-"Jake couldn't finish his words when he bumped into someone making him fall into the ground an hit his head into the wall

"Aghh!what now-"Jake stopped when he tilt his head and saw who it was

"Oh my gosh prince are you okay!?"A familiar voice said

"Yeah I am completely fine"Jake said and gets up

"Completely fine!?You're bleeding Jake!"Jungwon exclaimed


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