Busy Boy

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Thats why the nice guys, they will always last. Thats why the playboys always finish first. Why did I find you? Its 9 am. I did not know you would be this way. I took myself up to the mall. As I am walking around, I get a text saying "R U up?" Boy bye. My best friend texts me 15 minutes later telling me you hit her up with that same mojo. And my other girl saw you at a party. Its 4 o'clock. So now you sending me too many pictures of your friend down there... if you know what I mean. Was that an accident? Was it meant for another? You tell me. Baby, you drunk? I saw that girl on your page. She said the baby is on the way. Congrats. I only play with you because you are so fine. Just know that you may think you sneaky but I know. You claim to be a good boy but we all know you a... say it with me now... busy boy.

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