You know how I had said that maybe the new friendship was good?

Yeah I take it back.

Also, on a side note, I'm really terrible at directions for someone's who's supposed to be a detective.

"I came in like a wrecking balllll"

"Shut up"

"Nooo", Aiyana sings and I clutch my head, banging it against the steering wheel.

God take me.

I look around again to see if I could find anything that looked familiar.

It didn't help.

Not like it did the first 15 times, but still, just to be sure.

"Where are you? He's going to be dead at this rate", I roll my eyes at Argus's exaggeration, and I see Aiyana do the same.

"We got lost!", Aiyana exclaims pretending to faint on the seat and I hear Argus chuckling over the speaker phone.

"How did you get lost? And what do you see around you? Maybe I can help", Oh really? You could help us? I wonder why we called you? We don't need your help at all, we just called you to chit chat about the weather.


"All I can see is trees and a suspicious looking puddle", Aiyana scoffs at the last part, muttering something about the hazards of public excretion.

"Okay, where did you come from", Argus asks and Aiyana beats me to the answer, though I don't think the answer she gave was one he was looking for.

"Heaven", Of course she would say that, the best part about her replies is that she always says them with a straight face.

"I took a left from the 3rd shap, then a right then I don't know, it's all a blur", I say glaring at Aiyana who puts her head on the dashboard, laughing quietly, apologizing simultaneously.

"How is everything a blur?", Argus asks and Aiyana starts laughing even louder, banging her head on the dashboard again and I glare at her, which makes her laugh even harder.

"You don't wanna know, anyways can you help us?", I ask, trying to push down the memory of me and Aiyana fighting over the song on the radio, me cursing her, her cursing me back and then of us pulling each other's hair.

"Yeah, just send me a picture of your surroundings", I nod at his instructions taking out my phone to click a picture of our surroundings, though I don't understand how a pic of trees would help us.

I also make sure to turn on the flash and clicking it so that it hits her eyes.

She glares at me, pulling out her own phone to flash it at me.

Oh no.

I hold out a hand for peace and she looks at me, pulling out her phone in a flash, and flashing the light in my eye.

"I had to do that", Aiyana says offering her hand and I ignore her, choosing to send the pic to Argus first instead, and she scoffs offended.

"Great, start your car, drive straight till you see a triangular sign, then turn right, keep driving straight till you see a building, you'll probably see us there", Argus says and I look at Aiyana to see if she caught any of that, I hope she did cause I sure as hell didn't.

She nods in response, grumbling about the low standards for hiring detectives.

I pinch her and she yelps rubbing the spot I pinched glaring at me.

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