Just because someone
carries it well, doesn't
mean it isn't heavy.


After about a dozen tries, each but one ending with both of us on the floor, I finally managed to lit a candle, which is weird since I could've just used a matchstick.

But whatever.

Honestly, I hadn't thought that doing a simple spell could be so draining, especially considering how many people do it everyday.

"You alright there? ", A small trail of blood escapes Aiyana's nose and she holds up the tissue against her nose, nodding her head in my direction.

I adjust myself on the floor so that I face her, matching her crossed legs, taking a sip from my bottle, and some water manages to trickle by the side of my mouth, damping my blank tank top.

I look at the dogcaller around my neck, wondering how the owner would've reacted to the news of me finally managing to use magic.

But he wouldn't, because he can't.

He never will.

"Yeah, it happens sometimes, nothing to worry about ", My eyes snap to her face, half concealed beneath the bloody tissue, and I nod once I meet her eyes, there is nothing but honestly there.

"How did you do that? ", I ask her, referring to her transferring the pain, and she shrugs, throwing away the tissue once the blood stops.

I give her a look, and she sighs putting up her hair in a bun, matching mine.

"Some secrets aren't meant to be told? ", I deadpan and a ghost of smile appears on her face, making her eyes shine, the light highlighting the dark flecks in them.

"I did what I told you to do, I channelled the energy and then instead of directing it on something else, I directed it towards making a shield, using just a little more energy than you", She stretches both her hands out, widening her eyes for effect, again.

"And voila" She finishes and I chuckle, she responds by wiggling her eyebrows at me and mocking my chuckle, I respond by mocking her mocking me and the next thing I know there was water being thrown around, shirts being drenched and the mirrors blurred.


"How did you learn to do all this? Training, I mean? ", I ask Aiyana as we sit huddled up in the only area of the training room's floor that isn't wet.

"Auntie Issy taught me, I was almost a trainer for Luna's pack", She replies proudly, puffing up her chest in the process and I snicker to which she just rolls her eyes.

"Almost, why not completely? ", I counter and she shrugs, removing her phone from her pants and crossing her legs again.

"I decided to do something else instead ", If being vague was an art, she would have definitely gotten a degree at it.

"Something else, like what? ", I dig and she gives me a look, and I pass her a sheepish smile.

Right, the acquaintance thesis.

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