Raven Lee

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I stare up at the distant stars as I lay on the top of a stationary train. The satchel that held the crown lay on my stomach. The train was due to leave in the morning but right now the train yard was almost abandoned. Every now and then another train would pass through, sometimes dropping off passengers, sometimes only cargo.

Don't ask us why we stole the crown, because not even we know. We were told to. We didn't even really know each other before we did.

I'm almost glad we stole it though.

Everyone always underestimated me. Just because I was a woman didn't mean I couldn't fight like a man. Well, I fought like a woman but apparently women didn't fight hard so I say I fight like a man. In my opinon it's the the men who don't fight hard, I mean the only fight to fight most of the time. Women fight for a reason, and that's what makes us such strong leaders.

I'm also glad that we stole it because the royals, they need to get a taste of their own medicine. They had become to controlling. Never giving us any freedom. At least that's the way our royals were. There were rumors that the kingdom of Idella was a free kingdom. A kingdom ruled by parliament, not solely by the royals.

We're hoping to end up in Idella but other than that we have no idea where we're going. We're just running from Queen Alina's guards, although without me they're kinda lost. They don't have anyone giving them orders and Charlie was my second in command too, so they're up against the very best.

Charlie climbs up ladder to the top and sit beside me as I prop myself up on my elbows.

"Hey." I say quietly, glancing over to him. His eyes are scanning the area still. He doesn't trust this place.

"Hi." He responds finally looking at me. I lay back down and go back to watching the stars.

"The stars are beautiful tonight, don't you agree?" I say without looking at him. He shrugs.

"I guess, sure." He says uneasily. I turn over onto my stomach to look at him. After studying him for a moment I speak.

"What did you come up here to say? You don't particularly like being out in the open right now." I say. He sighs.


(Ps. I forgot to put that Raven is very strong willed and tends to try to be a leader.)

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