Racen Lee

13 0 0

I glance over at Meriana. She was pulling a shirt and skirt out of her bag. I smile to myself at it.

"Meriana, don't you think a skirt would draw quite a bit of attention to you? Especially one that looks that good on you. Besides, don't you think jeans would be more comfortable? Plus they'd blend in more." I say holding out a pair of jeans that I though would fit her. She nods as she takes them then disappears to change. I chuckle and grab some clothes from the box. I stand up looking in the direction Charlie disappeared into.

"Charlie! You done yet?" I yell. Charities head pops up from behind the boxes.

"Yep. Need to switch places?" He replies. I nod and walk around the boxes. I laugh as I see Charlie's outfit he was wearing a dark blue hoodie, black t-shirt and jeans.

"You look nice in hoodies and t-shirts. I choose the same ones, only reversed." I comment, patting his arm as I pass. He chuckles.

"It's not to late to change your mind." He says as I turn behind the boxes. I laugh again.

"I'd rather not!"

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