Chapter Four - "Why so serious?!"

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After the joys of 'Misa-Misa' in the assembly, we were allowed back to our dormitory. I lay back on my bed and continued reading my book from earlier.

A strange glowing light from the centre of the room suddenly burned at my eyes. I sat up abruptly and saw what looked like a mini campfire in the middle of the room.

That is a mini campfire made out of Green Day posters.

"YAMI! What did you do?!" I yelled at the tall girl dancing around the flames.

"Niji I'm making a fire so that sexy Napier guy has to come in here and clean up the mess and put out the fire!"

"So I'm sexy am I?" Came a voice from the doorway.

We all turned suddenly to see 'Napier!' stood staring at us with a fire extinguisher in one hand and a broom in the other hand. I swore that under that bizarre mask of his was the biggest perv face in the world.

Yami's face instantly flushed scarlet and she stopped dancing.

'Napier!' just set to work by extinguishing the flames and sweeping away the leftovers of my poor Green Day posters.

"You there, the little girl with the blue hair" he said, pointing at Yami "I would like to speak with you"

Yami looked both shocked and excited at his reaction and eagerly followed him outside.

(Yami's P.O.V)

As soon as we were outside he grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me back to his janitors closet. I was apprehensive about this for a moment but come on! This guy was fucking hot!!!!

He threw his fire extinguisher and broom inside and then walked into the closet, dragging me behind him. The door slammed shut behind us and I heard him play with the lock in the dark until it clicked into place.

A light switched clicked and his face was lit up in the artificial yellow light of the closet.

"Do you know who I am?" he said, his voice low as footsteps walked past outside.

I began to shake out of nerves a little at that point. He gripped my face with one hand.

"WHY SO SERIOUS?!" he bellowed into my face.

His words seemed to echo in my head, I'd heard those words before. On some news show maybe?

'"A dangerous criminal known only as the Joker has escaped from Arkham Asylum in Gotham in America." The newsreader said. "He is believed to have left the country, and is thought to be disguised. If you see this man do not approach him, for your own safety call the police. We will now play some footage of him, this contains disturbing images."

The screen changed to the Joker being interrogated.

"WHY SO SERIOUS?!" he yelled in the policeman's face.'

It suddenly made sense. All the news reports I had seen before I came to Japan were about a criminal called the Joker, and his escape from prison and how he was impossible to find. Now I knew why.

"You're the Joker" I said, strangely finding him sexier by the second.

He pulled off his brown wig and mask to reveal his real hair and his make up smudged around his mouth.

"You guessed right little girl, and you're not going to tell anyone"

I nodded to him.

"I won't tell anyone I swear."

I stared at the make up that ran up the sides of his mouth.

"Joker, can I ask a question?"

"It depends on that particular question little girl"

"What is under your make up?"

He said nothing but grabbed my hands and put them on either side of his face. I expected to feel smooth skin underneath, instead I felt the uneven lumps of scar tissue under his red make up.

"How..." I said to him, instantly feeling sorry for him.

"Well lets just say that there are many theories as to how I got my scars, but I'm just not sure which one is true. These scars make it hard to get me a woman... That and the whole criminal thing of course" he said looking down, so that his hair covered his face.

"I'll be your woman" I said to him, gently moving his hair to kiss one of his scars.

He looked up at me with a grin on his face.

"That's what I hoped you would say little girl"

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