Chapter Nine - "C-C-C-Can I uhh uhm"

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(Niji P.O.V)

I sat there with Tweek, smiling to myself. To me this was as close to heaven as it could get, just spending some time with the boy that I liked - I'd even caught him staring at me! That had to be a good sign right?

But before I knew it, Tweek was twitching more violently.

"W-W-What's the time?" He asked, clearly worried about his timekeeping.

"Uhh around 5 o clock" I said, taking my phone out of my pocket to see the time.

"C-C-C-Can I uhh uhm" he stuttered.

"What is it Tweek?" I asked.

"CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER PLEASE!" He yelled suddenly, emitting a series of violent twitches as he panicked.

"Hey Tweek calm down, of course you can have my number" I said as calmly as I could, the last thing that I wanted right now was him panicking.

(Tweek P.O.V)

Oh gosh, why couldn't I stop freaking out?! It was just a phone number! But obviously to me it was more than just a stupid phone number. Damn this crush was annoying at times.

Ha! Who was I kidding! It was annoying all of the time! And who was I kidding! It wasn't like she would go for someone like me?

With all of those thoughts running through my head, I shakily passed her my phone so that she could put her number into it, and she passed me hers so I could do vice versa. After a few minutes we had each others numbers, and I began to ease my way out of the hole in the wall.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Back to my dorm, I need to get ready for dinner" I replied, suppressing another twitch.

I held out my hand to her and she gently took it, slowly standing up. But that suppressed twitch was building, and soon as she was nearly out if the hole in the wall...

"GAH!" I yelled, and my whole body shook with twitching.

In the midst of all of my twitching, I had let go of her hand. And through my shaking vision I watched in horror as she fell to the floor, hitting her bandaged head on the wall at the exact point she'd hurt earlier. She hit the wall HARD.

My twitches were stopped by a single sound that brought me back to reality.

Niji's ear-splitting scream of pain.

I look scared at her as warm, fat tears began to roll down her cheeks.

What had I done? Could I do anything right?

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