Chapter1:Couple years later

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Ricardo's Mom:Hijo can you put the guitar down, it is time for dinner

Ricardo:Okay mom


Ricardo's Mom:What's it?

Ricardo:I want to be a famous musician when I grow up

Ricardo's Mom:That's great to hear but maybe one day that you will get there

March 15th,1920-California

"Ricardo you are up next"

Ricardo drank his one glass of whiskey she grabbed his guitar"


He went up to the stage as the crowd chant his name and then started playing

Ricardo: Amor, estoy solo aqui en la playa,
Es el sol quien me acompaña
Y me quema, y me quema, y me quema
Cuando calienta el sol aqui en la playa
Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de mi
Es tu palpitar es tu cara, es tu pelo
Son tu besos, me estremezco, oh, oh, oh
Cuando calienta el sol aqui en la playa
Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de mi
Es tu palpitar, tu recuerdo
Mi locura, mi delirio, me estremezco, oh, oh, oh
Es tu palpitar, tu recuerdo
Mi locura, mi delirio, me estremezco, oh, oh, oh
Cuando calienta el sol (Translated: Love, I'm alone here on the beach

It is the sun who accompanies me

And it burns me, and it burns me, and it burns me

When the sun heats up here on the beach

I feel your body vibrate close to me

It's your heartbeat, it's your face, it's your hair

They are your kisses, I shudder, oh, oh, oh

When the sun heats up here on the beach

I feel your body vibrate close to me

It's your heartbeat, your memory

My madness, my delirium, I shudder, oh, oh, oh

It's your heartbeat, your memory
My madness, my delirium, I shudder, oh, oh, oh

When the sun heats)

One hour later

Paul:Great performance out there

Ricardo:I always have a good performance Paul

Paul:Really because I can remember a bad one

Ricardo:I don't want to be reminded about that

Paul:Getting enough sleep lately?


Later on that night

Dear,Mami,Papi and siblings,

Sorry for not visiting you guys last month like I promise in the last letter, it's just my career have been booming ever since and never I had the time to visit you guys back in Mexico. Life in America is just the same, gosh I wish the world was a better place but never will be one anyway I hope everybody is well  and may abuela in peace, I am gonna miss her and her cooking so much. I gotta go but I will write back again after I sent this one and  so hope I see you guys  again.



To be continued................

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