Chapter4:Need a distraction

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Ricardo was in streets walking back home after buying groceries

Paul:Ah the person I was looking for

Ricardo:Always come here unannounced

Paul:Well let just say the person keep ignoring me and barely come to the studio

Ricardo:I have been busy Paul

He opened the door and went inside

Paul:Ric you look tired, moody like always,probably drunk and you smell like you never took a bath in the last couple weeks

Ricardo:I don't have to tell you every details about my fucking personal hygiene

Paul:You know what you need?

Ricardo:What do I need?

Paul:You need a distraction from everything

Ricardo:I am fine Paul I don't need a break

Paul:Yes you do

Ricardo:Okay I do but where?

Paul:Somewhere out of town but you need to wear a disguise

Ricardo:Okay when are we leaving?

Paul:We are leaving on Saturday which is tomorrow


Paul:You should really eat something, you are really losing some weight


Paul:Wake up Ricardo it is time to go

Ricardo:Okay fine I am coming

To be continued...............

The Taste Of FireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora