Chapter 9

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(~A/N same as the others~)

The next day

Mal's pov

I woke up and looked at my engagement ring.

I grabbed my phone and rung Audrey as I got dressed

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I grabbed my phone and rung Audrey as I got dressed. "Hey what are you doing today? .... yes I'll come over with Aziz, Evie, Evelyn and Madelyn if that's okay ......   you can for Me and Evelyn but ur going to have to ask the others .... Ok well I need to go so I can pick the others up ..... bye" I hang the phone up and text Aziz to come round to my castle. I put my makeup on and finish curling my hair someone knows on the door. "Come in!" I shout. I looked at the door through the mirror. I smile as Aziz walks in with Evelyn. I put my crown on my head and stand up. I pick Evelyn up and kiss Aziz. "We are going to aunt Audrey and uncle Ben castle today but first we are going to pick up Aunt Evie and cousin Madelyn" I tell Evelyn as we walk to the family room. "Mu- Aurora, Phillip. I'm going to Audrey's and Ben's castle."  "Let me see the ring first" Aurora says walking to me so I put my hand in hers "Awe it's gorgeous" "Thanks. By the way. We are staying the night at theirs" I respond "ok but before you go. I want to let you know that you can call me and Phillip Mum and dad" I smile and nod. "Bye" I say as I follow Aziz out to the limo. "Where to Princess Mal?" The driver asked me. "Queen Snow white's castle then King Ben's castle" I answer him as I got into the limo holding Evelyn on my hip. 

Time skip to Ben's castle

We all sit in the family room and Evelyn and Madelyn play by the window. I moved my hand into Aziz's hand "Mal?" Someone says. "M?" "Mal!?!" "Mal babe? What's wrong?" I shake my head. "Mal come on tell me what's wrong" I look at the others. "Watch your niece while me and Aziz talk outside." Me and Aziz stand up and walk outside the family room and close the door behind us. "What's wrong?" "Can you adopted Evelyn you know if Eve would like you to?" "Is this what you was worried about?" I nod. "Mal I was already planning on asking her after we make the announcement to everyone so there was no need to be worried." I nod and hug him. "Lets head back in and tell them the good news" He tells me so we hold hand and walk in. "Guys we would like to announce something to you." I say and look at Aziz "We're engaged!" He says and Evie and Audrey come running over to look at the ring. Ben walks over to Aziz and they start talking. "Let's have some wine to celebrate. Audrey not you you can have pop." Ben says and we laugh. "Wait guys sit down I need to make another announcement. Aziz you sit down as well." "Okay?!" He said. "So I have this envelope for each of you. I don't want the little ones finding out yet. Aziz please don't be mad at me. Only open it up when I text one of you. I will be in my room here." I tell them as I hand them an envelope. I walk out of the room and up to my bedroom. I text Evie telling her to tell everyone to open them.  My phone starts to ring straight away but ignore it. I hear two sets of foot steps. knock knock knock "baby let me and Evie in" I run to the toilet and throw up. "Not right now I'm tired. I'll come downstairs on a bit" "Okay call us if you need us".

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