Chapter 10

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(~A/N same as the others~)

Evie's pov
"she's going to be ok right?" Aziz asked. I look at him and smile "she will be fine. It's just shock and she is scared about people's reactions that's all" He nods and keeps looking at his phone. "Text her. Let her know your there for you" I tell him and as soon as he heard me he started to text her. "Da- Aziz where is mummy?" Evelyn asked him. "Mummy isn't feeling very well so she has gone to her room" She nods and goes back to playing. "Did she nearly?" he signs and nods "She has done it a few times but she stops herself. Me and Mal have told her that we don't mind her calling me that but I think she still feels uncomfortable." I nod as Ben and Audrey with food and drinks. "No drinking Aud" I say and she laughs. "I won't be Evie. Girls it's time for a snack" she says to me before telling the girls.

Mal's pov
I slowly walk back down stairs and into the family room quietly. I start to walk over but then stop when Evie says my name. "I'm fine, just.. I'm just scared."I say as I walk over to Aziz and sit down next to him. "There is nothing to worry about. I'm gonna be here every step of the way."

A week later Evelyn's and Madelyn's shared birthday party 

"Eve, Maddie (Shorter name for Madelyn) you need to get dressed"  I heard Evie tell the girls as I walked
"Eve listen to Aunt Evie and get dressed" I tell her. She shakes her head and makes a fire ball in her hand. "Evelyn Jane Grace. We do not use our powers unless we need to so put it out and get dressed!" I told her as I raised her voice. She puts the fire ball out and starts to get dressed.

What Madelyn is wearing

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What Madelyn is wearing

What Madelyn is wearing

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What Evelyn is wearing

What Evelyn is wearing

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What Evie is wearing

 What Evie is wearing

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What Mal is wearing.

Once we are all dressed we head down into the party. Aziz comes walking over to me and kisses me. "You okay?" He asked as Evie took Evelyn and Madelyn somewhere else. "Ye. I don't think Eve wanted to come. Evie and me both told her to get dresses. She refused and started a fire ball so I raised my voice at her and then she got dressed." I tell him. "But Everything is alright though?" I smile and nod. "I'm going to head over to mum and dad"

~Hi quick author's note. I am starting to finish the book now and I am starting to get Idea's  for my next book and it will also include The Next Step characters. If you don't know what it is, It is a dance TV show on CBBC with a bit of Drama So for my next book it will include both characters from Descendants and The Next Step. I would also like to say thank you for reading my books!!!!

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