Capter I - Babysitting - Part 1

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Disclaimer:  English is not my native language, mistakes will happen!
If you don't like the Gentlemother shipping, please don't read this fanfiction!
I try to keep the chapters short.


He watched her, slowly drinking out of his cup of tea he ordered at the cafe they both were sitting at. He loved hearing her voice, like it came from an angel that she actually was for him. She talked a lot about her children and her home on earth, he mostly told her nothing, he was the listener of the whole conversations they had. "Come to think of Gentleman...", "You know that you can talk to me by my real name, right?" he talked between her pause. "I know, I know, but I like things more that way, but I wanted to ask you for something, would you be able to watch over my children this weekend?" she asked with a pleading look on her face. The Gentleman placed the tea cup on the saucer, he couldn't really say no to her, even if it means it will be a lot of stress as he had duties to do on the ship on the weekend Mother planned the babysitting. "I can do it, but they have to go with me on the ship as well." he said and saw how Mothers eyes gleamed. "Oh thank you so much, I owe you one!" she told him and looked to Timmy and Franklin who both were playing across the street of the cafe and continued her conversation with The Gentleman afterwards.

At the following weekend where The Gentleman had to babysit her children, was a rainy day outside. Timmy and Franklin were playing outside in the puddles while Mother prepared their lunch for the day, she knew exactly what both of her boys liked to eat. She looked out the window after a while and watched her two sons having fun. "Are they playing in the puddles again?" a voice asked and Mother was hugged from behind, Mother was slightly frightened from the surprise hug. "Terry!" she said and looked at him from behind, moving her head slightly to him. "Don't forget to bring them to the babysitter you told me about, we planned the weekend for us!" Terry said as he walked away again, packing his suitcase. Both of them wanted to have a spare weekend together in a spa hotel. "I won't Honey!" she shouted to him to the other room and went back finishing the lunch.

Timmy and Franklin went inside later on without Mother telling them to. Both were soaked from the rain, even with raincoats on, making the whole floor wet and muddy. "Oh Dear, you both enjoyed the rainy day a bit too much" Mother came to them and dried Timmy and Franklin with towels. "Mud Mud!" Franklin said cheerfully. After both warmed up from the cold rain, mother gave them hot chocolate to drink and let them watch some Cartoons on the television. Later on that day Mother was about to bring them to The Gentleman, giving both backpacks. "Alright my Sweeties, do you have forgot something?" she asked her sons, both were not thinking long and said "No!", Mother smiled, went with them to the family car and buckled her kids up on their seats. While she was driving trough the streets to the station where the ship docked the rain got worse and when they arrived, Mother had to carry her both sons into the station where The Gentleman already awaited them. "Oh you are here already!" he was happy to see Mother again, how desperately he wanted to tell her to join them and forget the spa with her husband. "Thank you again for watching over Timmy and Franklin this weekend now" she told him. "I do it willingly for you, I am sure we get along." The Gentleman looked at the clock "Oh we soon about to start, would be a quick goodbye possible?" he asked her and Mother laughed. "Of course!" she told him and looked to her sons. "Please behave yourself while The Gentleman is watching over you and don't mess around okay? If you end up as Impostors you do what I told you okay?" she said to them and both gave her an "Okay!" before Mother drove away home again.


This was the first part of this chapter, as I told above the chapters gonna be short, about 1-2 pages long.

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