Chapter I - Babysitting - Part 2

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Disclaimer: English is not my native language, mistakes will happen!
If you don't like the Gentlemother shipping, please don't read this fanfiction!
I try to keep the chapters short.


As Timmy and Franklin both watched her mother going outside into the storm, they already began to miss her. "Come on crewmates we have a ship to catch!" the Gentleman told them with a joyful voice and went with Mothers two children into the ship at the docking.

"Hey Gentleman, how was your day?" Mr Cheese asked as soon as he noticed The Gentleman joining, but his view went to the two cyan children. "Are those Mothers children? Can't she watch over them alone?" he asked with a jealousy in his voice. "Mr. Cheese calm down, Mother asked me to watch over them, there is nothing wrong with babysitting for a fellow crewmate." The Gentleman said, defending Mother in her place. "Well I hope they don't get all to much in our way" with those words Mr Cheese went quiet, so did the Gentleman as they waited for the others to join.

Player went into the ship together with Veteran. "Sorry guys for being so late, we totally forgot the time while eating Pizza" Player told them. "It was a very good Pizza" added Veteran gleefully.

The Gentleman coughed "Now can we start already? We have a game to win" and as soon as he spoke it out the game was starting, or more like the ship went into the sky and left the orbit.

Now Player noticed the two little cyan boys of Mother too. "Hey Gentleman, aren't those Mothers children?" he asked and raised an eyebrow. "Yes they are, why everyone is making such a fuzz about it?" the Gentleman slowly got angry, because everyone asked him. "Man he clearly want Mothers attention" Veteran said, looking at Player. "Isn't she like married or something?" he asked Veteran back. The Gentleman interrupted them. "Yes, she is happily married with someone and just trusted me on to babysit Timmy and Franklin, now get back to work fools, me and Mr Cheese have a game to win" Mr Cheese nodded and was happy that The Gentleman still thought about him. Even if they were both crewmates this time, the more he would have the chance to be with him.

"Sorry about being so rude earlier Gentleman" Mr Cheese apologized, he didn't wanted to offend The Gentleman in the first place, even if he was pretty jealous. "It's okay Mr Cheese, but please be nice to Timmy and Franklin while we are here for the Weekend, I don't want them to be scared" he looked at the two mini crewmates as he was talking about them. He wished to have children on his own, to give them advice, seeing their first steps, hearing their first words. But he knew he never could have one on his own, not if he was stuck with that much of work beside being on the spaceship. The Gentleman didn't noticed that Mr Cheese got killed while being lost in thought, his face was pointed at the two children playing together, but when they looked to him they had a shock in their faces. The Gentleman slowly turned and saw Mr Cheese being killed off. "Oh no Mr Cheese!" he said with a sadness in his voice and reported the body. Even tho the real Mr Cheese wasn't killed off, he still felt bad for not noticing his surroundings.

"Sadly I have to tell you that Mr Cheese died!" the others looked at him "Weren't you both together all the time?" Veteran asked, becoming suspicious. "Wait, hold on I can explain. I was looking away for one second, because you now I have to watch over Mothers children and someone killed of Mr Cheese and vented while I wasn't looking." he defended himself. Veteran still remain suspicious. "I shall say we skip this round, watching over children is hard!" Captain said, defending The Gentleman for this round. Everyone agreed and skipped. Relieved over the fact not being ejected in the cold nothing of the space, he now was completely alone.

But he didn't expected that Bro was on his way.


This chapter is going to be longer than I expected, so there willbe a third part soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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