Chapter 20

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*Soon as you see the text reply me ,I dont wanna spend time fighting *

I got into the shower and cleaned myself up , I hated that I let him do that to me I should have bitten his big dick off .(rawr)

I got out the shower and saw that I still had a few hours before soccer practice started, I took my time changing and thought wisely about my outfit I wanted to feel like a bad bitch so I got changed into this

I got out the shower and saw that I still had a few hours before soccer practice started, I took my time changing and thought wisely about my outfit I wanted to feel like a bad bitch so I got changed into this

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Y/n: I'm a bad bitch
I quickly cleaned my room up and had a snacks
Before I left for soccer practice
I texted Jasmine and told her I was on my way

I got into My car and drove to Dunkin Donuts and got a box with 20 donut's
You might be wondering why 20 donuts for only 5 people well...3 for jasmine ,3 for me, 5 for Mattia ,4 for kairi and 5 for Ale
I shouldn't even be getting Mattia donuts his an ass

From there I drove to the school, to see that practice had already started ,I spoted jasmine sitting on the benches so I joined her  as usual she was on the second row

Y/N: Jasmine you won't believe what the fuck happened today!

Jasmine : Hello to you to Y/N, my day was lovely thank you for asking ,and yes I did get you that homework you asked me so nicely for, you're welcome

Y/N: Jasmine now's not the time, just listen to me

Jasmine: speak

I told her about Mattia's very godly visit to my house and how it all happened

Jasmine: *laughs* he did what *laughs* and you fucking let him *laughs* blindfolded too *continues laughing* was it big though *dieing donkey sounds *

I'm sure the whole field could hear her

Y/N : its not that funny if you ask me

Jasmine: I wasn't fucking asking you

Y/N : ohh shut up

Jasmine: bitch

Y/N: corvette corvette

We both started laughing ,after a few seconds  the laughing cooled down

Y/N: I bought donuts

Jasmine: and you didn't tell me ? Aren't they melting

Y/N: I knew if I told you earlier you weren't gonna listen to me and my issues

Jasmine: your god damn right I wasn't gonna listen to your issues

For the rest of the practice we just talked and fooled around

Practice ended and the boys took there showers and got changed and meet us at the benches

As usual Mattia acted like nothing had happened ,he should be an actor his good at pretending and lieing

We all talked and decided we should go ice skating 
We walked to my car but before we drove off I took the donuts out of my mini fridge car cooler

Y/N:who wants donuts
Everyone was very hyped ,we ate our donuts while we drove to the skating ring

We skated and had fun for about two hours ,we then  all decided it was time for us to go home ,I drove everyone home except one

Too bad for me, Mattia live closer to me then the others did 

Mattia: I'm not sorry for what I did earlier

Y/N: Mattia shut the fuck up

Mattia: why, I didn't do anything wrong

Y/N : I swear to whatever fucking god you believe in I'm gonna shove cuetips up ur dick holes

Mattia: that seems painful
He didn't even sound phased

I didn't say anything because I knew he was just tryna make me mad and it was working

We finally pulled into Mattias driveway and I noticed how all the lights where off
That's when I realized I set my self up

Mattia: let's go


Well I'm back bitches ,finally had the energy to update

But you guys are real crazy ,you guy are actually reading and enjoying I love yalls

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