Chapter 6

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*I still remember 3rd of December , Me in your sweater*

Nobody knows

Y/N : you gotta be kidding me

jasmine : no I'm totally serious ,don't worry I wont say anything about what happened

before she could finish she was cut off

ale: mmh what happened

y/n : nothing don't worry about it

jasmine : okay y/n meet Alvaro , Roshaun ,Robert and the other 3 dumbfucks you already know

jasmine : okay y/n meet Alvaro , Roshaun ,Robert and the other 3 dumbfucks you already know

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*Let's pretend that's Robert*

Kairi : ayy be nice

ale: yeah please

Mattia didn't say anything he just stared at you like he was inspecting you or something you didn't say anything because you where still mad and didn't want to start shit in the cafeteria, Ale came and sat next to you while the others sat on the other side

Kairi : I heard y/n got fingered in class today ,how was it ?

Alvaro :by who bro?

Kairi : the one the only Mattia Polibo

Mattia looked at Kairi with anger in his face

Ale : for real bro , how was it y/n

you didn't answer you just continued eating with your head down trying not to say something you where gonna regret

Jasmine : okay that's enough can you guys shut the fuck up

Alvaro and roshuan just laughed while looking at kairi
Mattia didn't really give a fuck ,as usual

y/n : jasmine could you come with me to the bathroom real quick

Jasmine: yeah sure lets go we will be back

Kairi : why do girls always go to the bathroom together ?

Ale : can I come

you and jasmine just walk away

Mattia's pov

why is y/n acting like nothing fucken happened, she's not shouting at me or anything I expected anger

end pov

meanwhile in the bathroom

jasmine : y/n you okay ,I knew it was a bad idea we can sit somewhere else if you want

y/n : no that's not the problem I'm just worried to many ppl know , I should just have just listen to what I was told to do

Jasmine : what are you talking about y/n

y/n : SHIT , no don't worry about it

Jasmine: I get that we not that close but you can trust me

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