Chapter 12: Ms. Gordon

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Luke quickly got off of me and he pulled me up. I looked over to the door.


I looked back and forth between the two. They were almost exact replicas of each other. I had never met identical twins before so looking at these two staring at each other was weird and unusual.

"Um, wanna leave please?" Luke asked Kyle with annoyance.

"No, I'm good." Kyle said with a sly smile.

"Well then, I guess we are going to your house, Katie." Luke stood up and grabbed my hand. He pulled me right past Kyle and out of the room.
As we were walking through his house and out of his front door I saw a woman standing in the kitchen.

"Where are you going, Luke?" She said while glancing down at our hands and giving Luke a strange look. Im assuming that this woman is his mom.

"Out, Katherine." Luke replied, stopping and letting go of my hand.

He calls his mother by her first name?

"Ok, will you be home for dinner?" She asked.

"Maybe, maybe not." Luke said quickly.

"Ok." Katherine said with disappointment clear in her voice.

"Yes he will." I cut in. Luke turned his head to me with a questionable look on his face.

"Would you like to join us, ummm..." She asked me, not knowing my name.

"Oh sorry, my name is Katie, and I will have to check with my father, but I would love to."

"You can bring you dad along if you would like, I haven't met him yet."

"I'm sure he will come."

"Ok, we're leaving." Luke opened his door and motioned for me to walk out.

I stepped out of the door and Luke stepped next to me

"Luke, what was that about?" I turned to him and asked.

"Nothing." He said and started walking.


"Was I not speaking English? I said 'nothing.'"

"Well okay then..." I started walking faster to get ahead of him. He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds and then,

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's fine." I said, still walking ahead of him.

"No, seriously," he stopped me by grabbing my hand and he looked into my eyes, "I'm sorry." He pulled me closer to him and brought his lips to mine. I shivered from a mix of the breeze outside and the feeling of his lips touching me.

He pulled away and said, "Now let's go inside, this wind is intense."

We went inside and I asked my dad if he wanted to go to Luke's house for dinner and of course he said yes. We all sat on the couch and watched Drake and Josh until 6 and then we headed back to Luke's house for dinner.

Luke opened his front door and my dad and I followed behind him.

"Hello!" Katherine said, greeting us at the front door.

"Thank you for inviting us Mrs. Korns." My dad said.

"Ms. Gordon, actually, but you can call me Katherine." She politely corrected him.

"Oh, well thank you Katherine." My father responded.

I sat next to Luke and my dad sat next to Kyle while Katherine took the head of the table. Katherine had made baked chicken and green beans. It was made perfectly. I even liked the green beans which I usually hate.

The dinner went on with casual neighborly conversation and seemed never ending. It seemed that the conversation was slowly transitioning into family and I couldn't stop thinking about my mom. All of a sudden Luke pulled me up and started walking me towards the door.

"Um, I'm sorry. Thank you for dinner Katherine and I guess we'll be over next door." I blurted out before we went through the door.

We ended up sitting in my room, me on my bed and Luke on my desk chair.

"So if you don't mind me asking, what was that about?" I asked quietly.

"They were boring."

"It seemed like more than that."

"I didn't want to hear her fake story again."

"Her story about what?"

"My dad." He looked down.

"What are you talking about?"

"She has this shit story that they just went separate ways and that my dad moved to Arizona or something and now we don't talk to him. But she's just a filthy liar." He said while still looking to the ground.

He paused for a moment and then looked up at me, "She... She made him leave."

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