Chapter 2: A doll in the attic

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" Who-o are you?" Virgil stammered, falling into the poison ivy behind him.  The figure on the bike gets off, walking towards him. Then, the figure takes off their helmet, revealing brown curly hair with a grey streak, a round face with a chipped tooth, and a voice, that did not match his face." Did I startle you? I really have to stop sneaking up on people. " He said, reaching his hand out to help Virgil out of the bush. " I'm your neighbor, Remus. are you alright?" Virgil froze, as if he was thinking, then took his gloved hand and stood up. " I'm fine." he spat. "Why are you riding around on a dirt bike trying to run children over?" He frowned." Well for your information, I'm actually on an errand for my grandmother. She needs me to go to the town grocery store. Maybe if a kid like you were to be standing directly on a wells opening, that is blocked off only with a very thin piece of wood, I would like to intervene." He said, reaching into his backpack and finding poison ivy ointment. He thrust it out to Virgil, semi angry. " Here, in about an hour you'll need this." Virgil scoffed. " I'm not taking ointment from a psychopathic stranger. You'd think it was common sense." He walked back towards  the well and knelt beside it. " This is the creepy old well I've heard so much about? Seems normal to me." he began messing with the lid to the point that he could almost get it open. Remus stepped on it, hard enough to close it but not hard enough to break the lid. " You don't want to open that." He stared like daggers into Virgil's eyes. " Trust me." Virgil stood up, startled. " Why?" " You haven't heard the stories?" "What do you mean?" Remus sighs and puts on a storytelling voice. " Many years ago, my grandma lived at the house you lived in. She had 2 siblings.Emphasis on the had. Since they had began living there, there were always weird things occurring, neighborhood cats disappearing and reappearing, buttons being found that they didn't have in the first place, neighbors moving in and moving out immediately. It was creepy and some of her siblings even started leaving at random points in the night, only to come back the next day. One night she found a doll by her bed. It looked a lot like her, even the eyes were the right color. She got attached to this doll quickly, seeing as she was only 9 years old. She took it everywhere. The next night she woke up to her sibling sneaking downstairs. She followed them, as silently as she could. She saw the sibling at a tiny door that she hadn't noticed before. They went into the door, from what my grandma could see it was filled with cotton candy colored clouds and a bright blue sky, with only a small beam leading to another door. She made a small squeal and the sibling turned around, but her eyes weren't eyes anymore. They were bright orange buttons. They screeched and a hand that appeared to be made of needles drew near to her. She ran outside all the way to this well. It didn't have a cover at the time, so she jumped over it, and the hand which was crawling after her fell inside. She grabbed a random plank of wood and covered it. She went back inside, the door was closed, and the sibling was gone. The next day they were on the news, as a missing kid." Remus finished the story. " Wait, all of that happened!? Like actually!?" Virgil had excited eyes. Remus began laughing. " Of course not. But my grandma did have this dream, right before the day her sibling went missing, which is the creepy part." Virgil frowned. " Basically, if you opened this, my grandma would have a fit and kick you guys out. " Remus said. " Ah, that makes more sense." Virgil exclaimed, beginning to scratch his palms. He walked home. That night as he was scratching his palms again, he thought to himself, " I wish I had that ointment".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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