Prologue (Part 1)

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Wow, I’m finally here.. Standing in front of the school I could only dream of being accepted in, and that dream was finally coming true today..

Dream’s Sky Rocket Institution..

A school who brought the most talented students, and educated them for success. I heard it was funded and run by a company which resonated on the famous tourist attraction, ‘Dream Island’. I don’t remember the company’s name, but they must be hella amazing if they could run a school this...incredible..

I heard once you get accepted here, and graduated, you’d be set in stone for a successful life. I couldn’t contain my excitement when I first got that letter saying I had been let into Dream’s Sky Rocket.

However, you need two things in order to be accepted into this school, one, you need to be attending high school, and two, you need a talent. Someone with no talent can’t be accepted, unless they are a lucky student the school randomly picked, or pay a large fee. Those who pay a large amount of money are stuck in the Reserve Coarse until the school picks one student from the group.

Oh, that reminds me, I guess I should introduce myself..

I’m Coiny Omoiyari, the Ultimate Banker. I know, it's a pretty lame talent's what I got.. I'm not complaining, though! Being a banker is kinda fun!

I grew up with my father, my mother had died before I was able to really remember her.. But, she had a dream, a dream that one day her little boy would be successful in life, and run the Omoiyari business.. 

My father loved my mother very much, and as she laid on her deathbed, he promised her he would fulfill that dream..

So, he started teaching me the many jobs of a bank and how to do them when I was 2 and a half years old. I'm 18 now, and I've been doing well running our main bank on my own! 

He wanted me to become the ultimate banker, and I did! He's really proud of me, and how hard I've worked to get this far. So this is it, I'm about to step foot into this school.

I'm about to...finally..succeed…
..and…..make everyone…

I blacked out, and the next thing I knew, I had woken up in some sort of room.. I sat up quickly, and looked around. This place didn't seem familiar whatsoever.. 

" I here?.. Wasn't I just...about to enter my new highschool?.." I groaned, holding my head. I had some sort of headache, it pounded on my skull like a hammer. "Jeez.. Why did I randomly get a migraine?" I uttered quietly. So many questions, so little answers..

I stood up, and looked around a little hit more, but then I saw...a red headed girl, laying passed out on the floor.

I walked over to her, and got down on one knee to look at her more closely. She had very long and smooth red hair, a dark red headband with a little grey point sticking out of it, a red and white sweater with a long red and white skirt, a choker with little grey points sticking out, and some red high heels.

I wonder if she's also a high school student like me, attending Dream's Sky Rocket..

As I got lost in my thoughts, the girl's eyes fluttered open, and sat up. When she saw me, she stumbled back and screamed. 

"AAH!-" The red head crawled up against the wall, putting up her fists as if she's ready to knock me out if I even dare to come close. 

"WOAH- HEY, HEY! I'M NOT GONNA HURT YOU!" I blurted out nervously, she didn't buy it.

"How am I supposed to believe a word you say?! I woke up here with a stranger I don't even know, just as I was about to enter my new school!.. How do I know you weren't the one who put me here?!" She replied, not taking her gaze off me.

I stopped, could she be talking about?..

"..are you attending Dream's Sky Rocket Institution?" I questioned, she tilted her head a bit. "Uh, yeah.. Why do you wanna know?" Her eyebrow raised.

"Hah, what a coincidence, I am also attending that school, and the same thing happened to me.." I giggled awkwardly. 

"Ah, well.. I guess that gives me a reason to at least trust you're not going to hurt me...hopefully.." She sighed, slouching against the wall. I extended my hand to help her up, she hesitated, but accepted my help and stood there, staring at me nervously.

"Why don't we start with introductions? Then, we can try and explore this place for answers, and a way out.." I suggested, she placed her hands on her skirt and stuttered, "O-Okay.."

I decided to start, "I'm Coiny Omoiyari, the Ultimate Banker! It's nice to meet you!" I grinned at her. The redhead's looked impressed. "Wow! You're a banker? That's really cool!" She smiled back.

"Oh.. I-I guess it's time for me to introduce myself.. I'm Pin Shinsetsu, the Ultimate Baker.." My golden eyes glimmered at her. "Woah! You're a baker! That's so cool!" She giggled a bit. "Well, it's not that impressive, my sweets are nothing compared to others.." Her ocean blue eyes dimmed, as she looked to her side and out her head down.

I sighed, and put my hand on her shoulder. "Listen, I bet your pastries are amazing, especially with your talent being the Ultimate Baker. Hey, mind showing me some of the treats you've made once we get outta here? I've always been kinda a sweet tooth, so I bet I'll like whatever you whip up, even if mediocre in your eyes!"
She looked at me dumbfounded for a bit, like this had been the first time someone was willing to try her stuff. Pin then starting snickering, her eyes glimmered at mine. "Thanks, Coiny.. You seem really sweet.." I laughed, "Ah- It's nothing! Now, wanna go find a way out of here?"

"You bet!"



Sjskdkfjfjcjf I love coinpin and I wanted to make Coiny the protagonist soooo 
You got this mess of a first chapter :')

I hope yall like this and want me to continue!!

(Canceled) Dream's Sky Rocket Institution (A BFB Danganronpa au)Where stories live. Discover now