A Beginning of a Tale

105 7 4

Romance Between 

Princess and Handsome Stranger!

The headline was plastered across billboards everywhere, the accompanying picture making it seem all too true. Paparazzi were camped out by the front gates while helicopters filled the air space. This was the biggest story of the century and whoever could get the scoop would be set for life. It had only been hours since Kagome and Naraku were photographed together but the image was seared into everyone's memory.

The finals had to be pushed back as security was tightened around the mansion and tournament. Seto stalked through the mansion in search of Kagome, the press might not have been able to see it but he did:

She was scared.

Something about that man made her uncomfortable. Was this why mother asked him to watch her?

He'd spent the whole day trying to get the story out of his sister but she refused to budge, either changing the subjunctive or leaving. He stalked through the halls towards her room when he heard her voice coming from Mokuba's room.

"Fine, I'll tell you a story." She huffed with feigned annoyance, a gentle smile on her face as she laid next to Mokuba atop the sheets. Her fingers gently carded through his hair as she thought of one.

"I got it. Once upon a time, there was a girl who's love was unreturned..."



Kagome was huddled under a cluster of trees crying her heart out. She'd given her blessing to Inuyasha to be happy with Kikyo and she couldn't decide which hurt more: how quickly he went to her or the fact that he left without even acknowledging the pain she just exposed to him.

She knew he would go to her but to be so callous about it...

"Are you okay there miss?"

Kagome's gaze snapped upward's towards a handsome male. His left sleeve was covered in blood but he seemed to be complelty unaware of it as he looked at her with concern. His silver eyes reflected her own tear stained face back at her while his long silver locks tickled her cheeks in the light breeze of the night. Her pain was forgotten as she leaped to her feet and reached for the man's arm. "I'll be fine but shouldnt I be asking you that?"

A confused looked crossed his face before he followed her gaze towards the bloody sleeve. "Oh." He said in a somehow surprised and deadpanned voice. "I completely forgot about that. Can't feel it anyway." He gave a nonchalant shrug and took a seat next to where Kagome had been previously. "Its a good day to die anyway." He said while slumping into the the rough bark of the tree. "You should run. Im sure you have family waiting home for you."

Kagome looked incredulously at the man. How could he be so resigned to his fate? "I cant leave you like this." She said with a huff and dropped to her knees next to the man. She didnt have much on her, just a roll of gauze in her pocket , her water bottle and a metal chopstick that she'd skewered through her bun to hold it in place. Carefully feeling across the ground, she tried to find a sharp stone.

The man looked at her in confusion when he felt a slight tugging on his sleeve. She was attempting to cut his sleeve off. "What are you doing?" The rock was barely making any progress yet still she persisted. "I need to tend to your wound." She grunted.

The man sighed and used his claws to slice away the material. "What an odd ningen." It was that moment that Kagome noticed the pointed ears peeking through his hair. She chose not to respond to him though, focusing on cleaning the dried blood on his arm. She poured some water on a piece of gauze and carefully wiped away the blood, struggling not to be sick at the wound beneath.

She could easily see the bone but that was the least of her concern. Infection had settled in and the skin had raised purple veins, indicating poison. "What happened?" She asked while trying to determine how she could deal with the wound. A deep sigh escaped her patient, so weary and worn out. "My home was attacked by a hayou by the name of Naraku." Kagome froze at the name while a sense of sympathy istantly filled her. No one escaped Naraku without serious loss. "He'd come to absorb us. My mother was first, followed by my brothers." His voice went lower the longer he spoke. "I tried to defend my little sister but was poisoned. I dropped heras we were crossing the bridge." I dont know if he got her or if she fell to her doom." His head was hung in shame as he whispered out the last words. "I didnt look back to try to save her. I just ran like a coward."

Kagome felt her heart go out to him. Looking at him closer, he couldnt by more than a few years older her by human years. He was still so young and already was giving up on life because he felt he had nothing to live for.

"I dont think your a coward." Kagome said while pulling the chopstick out of her hair and using a lighter that she found inher back pocket to heat the tip. She kept talking with his focus lock on her. "You tried to save your family. Its hard to stand your ground sometimes. Sometimes fear wins out in the end but the fact that you tried means more than some would ever attempt." With a speed that can only come from slapping Mirouku on a daily basis, Kagome slice open the wound and squeezed it to drain the infection. The demon snarled at the pain but made no move to attack her.

"What was that for?" His tone was clipped as her resisted the urge to snap at her. Kagome gave wry grin as she bandaged up his arm as best as she could in that moment. "Im helping you. You showed me concern when your already suffering so its only fair I return the favor." She tied off the bandage with a final grin and looked her patient in the eye. "Im Kagome by the way."

The demon gave her an odd look before responding. "Hikaru."


Seto watched as Mokuba finally drifted off in the middle of the story. Kagome herself was dozing off herself, her head nodding off.She finally lost the battle as plopped her head on Mokuba's pillow. Seto released one of his rare smiles as he slowly padded over to the two. Unbeknownst to him, he was watched from all angles as he removed his signature coat and covered Kagome with it. Hesitating for a moment, we walked around the bed and laid atop the covers beside Mokuba and laid his arm across his siblings and pulled them close.

"He's good for her." Kikyo murmured softly to Sesshomaru who only "Hn'd" as the group slowly climbed onto the bed to join the sleeping family.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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