The Chicken who was a Squirrel

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  • Dedicated to nobody

Once upon a time there was a chicken. He was a cannibal. He ate all the squirrels. His name was chicken. But he was a squirrel.

Then, since all the squirrels were gone, he ate all the chickens.

Then, since all the chickens were gone, he nibbled on his foot.

After all of his toes had disappeared, he moved on to his ears, because he had this incredible talent where he could move his mouth to reach his ears.

Then, after his ears were gone, he ate his mouth.

Then, once his mouth was gone, he ate mud.

After all the mud was gone, he ate the humans.

He loved the taste of their flesh that had burned over a slow burning campfire.

Then, he ate the entire universe.

He had nowhere to live, so he floated during space.

Not in space, during space.

Then, he found the tardis. He was mad because the tardis did not have capitals.

The tardis with no capitals grew a mouth and eated the chicken that was a squirrel.

Then the tardis ate mellisa. She was not happy.

Because she did not want to live in the belly of the tardis with no capitals!

"This is nonsense!" she exclaimated. And then there was a dalek thing that said "Exturmin8!"

And then there was a weeping angle who went behind mellisa and touched in a nonned inapropri8te waye. Then she met amy and roary who lookeded really wierd at her.

the ended.

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