All over again

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There  were times when Rose Tyler was still in school, still wondering about the world. She was fifteen and school was boring. At that time she did think about waterfalls and mountains and even other galaxies while looking out of the window during class. Anything was better than memorizing maths formulas or getting the english paper back and realizing she had got an F. Rose Tyler was not a good student. She tried, she really did, but she always seemed to find things that were more interesting. Like the pen laying on the other side of the table. The one she hadn't used in weeks. It was completely understandable, checking if it still worked, wasn't it? That's how her grades went down. Jackie thought about paying someone to help her study, but they didn't have that much money back then.

At some point, even after regeneration, the doctor thought about her. Why couldn't he meet her again. In this universe she was dead. And if he were to visit her in the other one whole universes would rip apart. So there weren't many options. He sighed. I could always time travel and meet her younger self. He thought. But then he shook his head because it felt like cheating. He could of course always do that. 

After Amy and Rory died the doctor didn't have a companion for a long time. That was the time when he thought about actually going back in time. To see Rose. She was his first companion since the Time war, so of course she always kept him going and not giving up. Because she tought him that even after the rain there can be sunshine. That's when he decided, he would go back. Time can be rewritten, after all, right? 

The doctor pulled a lot levers, pushed a lot of buttons and fell over when the TARDIS started dematerializing. He hadn't done this in a long time. He was just sitting around in the time vortex. But time traveling again; it was amazing! When the TARDIS finished materializing again, he grabbed his tweed jacket and flung the door open. When he stepped outside he said "Out into the world again!" He landed about when Rose was sixteen. Okay. Nice year I guess. Let's get going. It didn't take long to find his way in London. That's where all of his companions came from, after all. He liked London. It was nice.

Rose was going towards her school when she saw a strange blue box in a sidestreet on the pavement. How did it get there? She walked a little closer, so she could read what the black sign said. Public Call Police Box, she read. Still didn't answer the question. Why not look inside? She reached out for the doorknob... "Oi, leave my box alone... oh!"

"Sorry I didn't know it belongs to you. I was just trying to figure out what was inside." 

The doctor stood there for a second. Hm. I have forgetting patches. "Well look inside if you want" he said as he snipped his fingers. The door flew open. Rose looked inside. She wasn't surprised, but she thought about it. "Why is it bigger on the inside?" "Science"

She asked if it was a time mashine. Lucky guess? Maybe not. She was smart, despite her grades. The doctor nodded and asked her if she wanted to see. She nodded happily. "So if it's a time mashine I can be back in a second.." "Right. Where do you wanna go?"

"So where is an option too now?"

"It's also a space ship"

"Oh. I don't know. Deep in space?"

As soon as she said that a few levers were pulled and buttons were pushed. This time she fel over during dematerialization. It was funny. Older doctor younger Rose. And still the same. He looked at her for a moment and then she opened the TARDIS doors widely. Her eyes sparkled. "It's beautiful" she whispered. Rose didn't even ask how she was still breathing or how a little blue box went deeper in space than humanity did in all those years in four seconds. Or how time travel worked. She didn't ask unnessessary questions. She only looked outside and admired the beauty of the universe. That's what he loved about her. She didn't loose her time with questions. She never did. Even when they had all the time of the world. She always seemed to be on the move. They spent some time just looking at the stars before the doctor closed the doors and began TARDIS dematerialization.

"You'll have to forget this" said the doctor, smiling sadly. "I'm sorry."

"But this is something you shouldn't forget!" she protested still infront of the doorframe. The doctor gave her a nearly invisible pach. "Just stick this to your arm. You'll forget this. But don't worry. We'll actually meet again. And go time traveling. On earth, on other planets. We'll go to different galaxies. Just you wait a few years, Rose Tyler."

"Ok, but promise you'll come" She smiled. She didn't ask how he knew her name. "Because school's getting pretty boring" She already sticked the pach on her arm and swung open the TARDIS door when he said "I promise" She was now walking towards school again. Rose probably already forgot the promise, the trip to outer space. He saw her walking down the street now. Hurrying a bit. He had seen his Rose again and that's all that mattered, because she kept him going.

"Okay! Noww, what would be nice? Victorian London? Yeah."

And there he was, already storming into his next adventure.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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