The sorting

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I got off the train, and marvelled at the sight that stood before me. It was a massive castle with boats( for First years) and carriages that I suppose were being pulled by thestrals, that was the only plausible answer, as I saw a girl with silky blonde hair, which was flowing down her back, petting what appeared to be air.

I  then climbed into a carriage with Malfoy, which my sister did not seem to like. He introduced me to his friend, Blaise Zabini. They stared at me, Malfoy with his electric blue eyes, Zabini with his chocolate brown ones. The ride up to the school consisted of only a little conversation, I found out that the two people before me were purebloods, I was happy as I hated mud-bloods, even though I was one. Malfoy, stared at me his cheeks blushing crimson, I couldn't blame him, you wouldn't believe Hermione were twins. I stared into the distance, and saw Professor Minerva McGonagal, who then proceeded to greet me, and take me with the First years to be sorted.

I strutted up to the small stool, then I saw people whispering. They knew I was Hermione's twin but I did not mind." Hmmm, very ambitious, not so kind, oh my lord the most clever mind, cunning, clever, will rest never. Better be SLYTHERYN". The slytheryn table cheered for me, and I went and sat down, next to Malfoy, who congratulated me. Then the feast began, I merely ate a pumpkin pasty, much to the surprise of Malfoy. He looked up at me and decided that he would take it upon himself to show me around the school.

He took me to the slytheryn common room, which was in the dungeons, then he showed me my beautiful green dorm, which I shared with pug-face Parkinson, I then changed Into a polka dot green dress with a long silver necklace, and some white wedges. I then sat by the fire in the common room and read a book I had stolen from the restricted section when Malfoy took me to the library. It was a book which explained the theory of casting a love potion specifically amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. The drinker does not experience love rather infatuation, as love can never be replicated, they explained that if everyone drinks it they could obsess over you- you would rule everyone, you would rule the world.

Two weeks later...

*You were now top of your classes, friends with all the slytherins and had befriended all huffellpuffs and ravenclaws and all the teachers loved you*

"Raven, Dumbledore wants you." Malfoy said exasperated , I asked why and he said he didn't know so, I rose out of my seat and headed to the headmasters office.

" Ah, Raven, how lovely to see you, do sit down." I gave him a quizzical look and sat down. " as you know Raven you are top off all your classes, and are the cleverest student we have ever had. You are also very sensible, so that is why I make this proposal." I smiled and he said "Raven would you like to be a prefect." Oh my gosh Hermione wasn't a prefect, this meant that after two weeks I was already a favourite. I instantly said yes, and went off to flaunt the badge to my twin.

A/N thanks for reading :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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