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"Allen, get up dear", my aunt calls out to me. I manage to spring sit up.

Why is this bed so soft?

I look around and realization drowns on me. I am not in my house. I traveled all the way to England. Gosh! Now I remember it all. This is a small room I was shown into last night. She comes closer to me and sits down beside me. Her eyes gleaming with pity and worry, "You were tired last night, weren't you. You didn't even change your clothes. They were in your closet. Your uncle picked some new ones for you a few days ago. I hope you like them." She pointed to the closet. I manage to smile despite the emptiness I feel inside my heart. My heart is empty devoid of any feeling.

I just know I have to be here in this house because I have no other option.

"Get up and get ready. I will show you the house if you want to look at it. Also, you have school tomorrow. And breakfast will be served in an hour or two. Come downstairs soon. Okay?" she pats me on the shoulder and gives me a soft smile, her blue eyes gleaming with some kind of emotions, I can't comprehend. She leaves the room with usual fast strides and a hand on her cheek.

I wonder what is the matter with her, one minute she is sad another minute she is so jolly. Why the sudden change in mood? Whatever it is not my place to judge her. I'm just here to live until I turn eighteen. Then, I move out and live my life as I want to. I have nothing to do with Stinsons. They hurt my mom and left her when she needed it the most. I can't forgive my uncle nor aunt for what they did to her. It's all their fault and wasn't it for my mom, I would have taken my revenge but that will hurt mom. So, I can't do anything. I just have to endure and make my life.

I push the blanket off of me and jump out of the bed. A yawn hits me as I stretch myself and I open my mouth wide open.

Why does everyone have to wake up early?

I look over my shoulder to locate the clock. I found one on my side table and it reads seven-thirty.

What! This early? Now I have to get used to it and school tomorrow...My life is a mess.

I can't even breathe right now. I slump to my bathroom and manage to somehow push the door open. I go inside and almost shriek. My hair is a mess, and I have dark circles under my eye.

Heavens! I don't use makeup or my eyes would have been a mess too. How do I hide these dark circles? It's so embarrassing. I really wish Luna was here. She knows the answer to every query. Why does she have to take another job while she could have come with me? Why would she leave her home for me? She was just a nurse for my mother.

I take a deep breath and smother my hair with my hands. My things are already displayed on the counter. I grab my toothpaste and brush. After brushing my teeth, I wash my face and turn the water off. Then I get out of the bathroom and open the closet to have a look at the clothes.

Amazing! uncle bought the whole store. Geez! he is definitely rich. Just as I'm about o touch the clothes a kind of hatred comes towards the clothes, uncle bought me. I want to burn them and shred them to pieces. It's better to have your dignity while your alive and surviving. It's not that I hate my uncle. I neither hate him nor like him. I can't feel anything. He is just a stranger to me just like my mother was for him. I agree, uncle did help my mother financially but he forgot fortune is not what she needed. She needed her brother's love and support. I call him uncle and show him some kind of respect that is only a paycheck of whatever he paid for mother and me. Hearing the name Stinson, I boil with anger. They are just selfish people. Fame, dignity, and honor are their lives. I just can't seem to like any person having any kind of blood relation with Stinsons. I just want to stay away from the Stinson family. They are dangerous and contagious. I can't let myself get attached to this house or its residents.

All my past clothes are missing.

What? How could they take away my clothes?

I huff and grab a pair of pants and a tank top. There are so few jeans and tops, mainly they are frocks, dresses, formal wears, and heels. They are no use to me. I don't wear heels moreover I can't even walk in them. So, I just go with the sandals I have been wearing since earlier. Taking a last look at myself, I go into the bathroom and change my clothes. I walk out minutes later and pick up my phone from the side table. It's new in case you're wondering. I didn't have a phone at Moms.

It is good that my uncle had at least the decency to provide me with my regular things.

I get out of my room, down the stairs, and into the dining room, I was shown into earlier. Aunt and uncle are sitting down having a conversation while Hellen is serving them food.

Geez! Can't they serve themselves? Poor, Hellen has to do all the work. There are other servants too. Why can't they do it? Why does Hellen have to do everything? I have no power or choice.

I walk down to the table and sit a little farther away from the couple.

"Good Morning, Allen.

Good morning Uncle.", I say timidly.

"I do hope you have a good night's sleep. Anyways, It's nice to see you respecting the regulation of this house. And I do hope so this continues. Make yourself familiar with the house and neighborhood. You have school tomorrow. You have been enrolled into Bernard High School, the school where all members of Stinson's family go. And I want to make myself clear that I want no kind of funny business or lagging behind in studies. I shall expect you to try out in the cheerleading squad and basketball club. I do apologize but Julia and I have some work at the company. We will be leaving after breakfast so make sure to stick with Hellen and don't go into rooms, you're not allowed to. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Uncle."


All this time Julia was glaring at Calah. Probably, she thought he was being rude and authoritative but uncle didn't care. He is definitely a typical Stinson.

We eat breakfast in science and as soon as we are done with it, Calah and Julia bid me goodbye and leave for work.

Yes! Freedom at last! Time for some ME time.

Another chapter is up and I do hope like it. Please if you comment down below and hit a like.

Have a nice day!

Next chapter will be up on next Wednesday.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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